بمناسبت روز جهانی مبارزه علیه ختنه دختران، از آرشیو برنامه تلویزیونی رهائی
منتخبی از گزارش تصویری کنفراس "خاتمه دادن به ختنه دختران"
در روز 28 فوریه 2013 در شهر لندن انگلستان کنفراس بزرگی از طرف سازمان دفاع از حقوق زنان ایرانی و کرد (IKWRO) با همکاری سازمان forward برگزار شد. در این کنفرانس حدود 300 نفر شرکت داشتند و 19 سخنران در زمینه های مختلف راجع به مساله "خاتمه دادن به ختنه دختران" سخنرانی کردند
In honor of the International Day to End FGM,
from the Archive of RahaiZan TV Program:
A reportage from End FGM Conference London 2013.
:سخنرانان در این کنفرانس عبارت بودند از
Jane Ellison نماینده پارلمان از انگلستان، پرفسور Lisa Avalos محقق از دانشگاه جرجی تاون واشنگتن دی سی، دکتر Els Leye محقق از دانشگاه جنت بلژیک، Anne-Marie Hutchinson وکیل و متخصص در مسایل حقوق خانواده، Efua Dorkenoo رئیس برنامه ختنه زنان در سازمان "برابری هم اکنون"، Fadela Novak نماینده سازمان ملل در اروپا، Debora Singer از بخش تحقیقات و خط مشی سازمان کمک به پناهندگان در انگلستان، Rosalind Bragg مدیر سازمان خیریه در باره بارداری و زایمان، Jane Hobson مشاور پیشرفت های اجتماعی بویژه در زمینه ختنه زنان، Jane Miller از سازمان اهداف توسعه هزاره، مدیر بخش مناطق آفریقایی در رابطه با بهداشت و آموزش، Hannah Bucklay از وزارت کشور انگلستان، Arvid Vormann هماهنگ کننده پروژه Wadi، Naana Otoo-Oyortay مدیر اجرایی سازمان Forward، Diana Nammi رئیس سازمان دفاع از حقوق زنان ایرانی و کرد، Layla Ismail نماینده سازمان فوروارد از شهر بریستول انگلستان، Shukri Abdulkadir مسئول پروژه جوانان سومالی در هلند، Eva Kultus مدیر خانه امن papatya در برلین ، Mino Hemati رئیس سازمان رهایی زن،
Sioned Churchill از سازمان تراست لندن، دکتر Sohier Elneil ودیر سازمانی فوروارد، Tess Woodcraft مدیر سازمانی IKWRO
Sioned Churchill از سازمان تراست لندن، دکتر Sohier Elneil ودیر سازمانی فوروارد، Tess Woodcraft مدیر سازمانی IKWRO
English Transcript of the interviews:
Conference FGM - London, February 2013
Transcript of
Interviews conducted by Mino Hemati, for Farsi Satellite TV Program RahaiZan.
Q: Would you kindly introduce yourself
and your organization?
A: My name is Fadela Novak I work for the UN refugee
agency UNHCR, with the bureau for Europe, covering Northern Western Europe
basically, and I’m a focal point for gender issues including sexual and gender
based violence.
Q: Would you please let our viewers
know, what brings you to this conference?
A: As I just said, as a focal point for sexual and gender
based violence in the asylum system in Europe, I have been brought to look at
FGM, given the growing interest at the policy and legal framing in Europe of
this issue. And it was really important to make sure that refugee women and
girls were fully taken into account as part of the policy consideration, the
legal framework developments and all of the discussions we are having at the
moment in Europe, and this was a unique opportunity to share with this audience
a report that has just come out on FGM and the asylum system, providing unique
statistical data and evidence on the prevalence of FGM in the asylum system of
the EU.
Q: What would be your message for our
Farsi speaking viewers?
A: For Farsi speakers, a main message is very much the need
for us to think about how to better tailor our responses to FGM, in order to
reach the various cultural backgrounds of the specific communities that we have
to focus on, in order to achieve the abandonment of the practice of FGM, and in
order to raise the awareness of the abuse of the human rights, and the abuse of
women and girls’ rights that this practice entails. Now we do have to work in a
very culturally appropriate and tailored way, and I do hope that the data we
have brought today will help with that.
Q: Would you kindly introduce yourself
and your organization?
A: My name is Efua Dorkenoo, I work with equality now which
is a global women’s human rights organization
Q: Would you please let our viewers
know, what brings you to this conference?
A: In terms of this conference, it is on FGM and I am one of
the world experts on it, so I came mainly as part of the process of trying to
stop genital mutilation. I gave a paper on it.
My paper looked at the data, in terms of the distribution of
the problem. How big is the problem for us in the UK, also in Africa, and parts
of the Middle East? Female genital
mutilation is a human rights issue, and everybody needs to have an awareness of
it, and take a strong stance against it. Try to know more about it, and look at
how best we can all work together to stop it.
Q: What would be your message for our
Farsi speaking viewers?
A: Yes it’s something which touches everybody deeply. It’s a
crime against the little girls, it touches people deeply. And everybody wants
to do something about it. But I’ve been working on it for about 30 years now.
It was very difficult 30 years ago to talk about it, because it has to do with
the control of the woman’s sexuality. And therefore it’s very difficult for
people to discuss it, because when you are really delving into it, you are
talking about how women are controlled in specific cultures. So I think now,
after all this work with United Nations and everything, it is easier to talk
about and discuss and see what we can do about it. So everybody wants to get
involved in it.
Q: Would you kindly introduce
yourself and your organization?
A: My name is John Hall, I coordinate the all-party
parliamentary group on FGM in the UK Parliament, and that’s why I am here
Q: Would you please let our viewers
know, what brings you to this conference?
A: Well the conference today is very interesting, it has a
lot of input from other European countries from African countries, and we are
here to learn best practice from those countries on how to tackle FGM. I am
here representing the parliamentary group which represents over 50 mps and
lords from the UK parliament. And today has been a very useful day in terms of
learning lessons, what works and what doesn’t in other countries.
Q: What would be your message for our
Farsi speaking viewers?
A: The message to your Farsi viewers is that FGM is a crime,
it’s a human rights abuse that blights the lives of millions of girls and women
all across the world. In the Farsi speaking world, the English speaking world,
the French speaking world, all across the world. And it is time that everyone
pulls together and does what they can to consign this terrible practice to the
history books. It’s time to end FGM forever.
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