Tuesday, December 17, 2013

آموزش علمی روابط جنسی، در مدارس یک ضرورت اجتماعی است

آموزش علمی روابط جنسی، در مدارس یک ضرورت اجتماعی است
Sex Education In Schools a research by Farah Shilanderi in an interview with Mino Hemati Rahai Zan TV Program from Channel One Farsi Satellite station broadcasting from Los Angeles California.

روز جهانی برای مبارزه با خشونت علیه زنان

فعاین رهائی زن در اشتوتگارت آلمان
روز جهانی برای مبارزه با خشونت علیه زنان
November 25th International day against violence against woman,  Stuttgart, Sharaeh Rezaie

خشونت علیه زنان را متوقف کنید

خشونت علیه زنان را متوقف کنید
پروژه ای از فرح شیلندری در تلویزیون محلی سوئد

Say No to violence against women, a project by Farah Shilanderi in Swedish Local TV

Sunday, November 24, 2013

امکان داشت فریبا نیز یکی از قربانیان قتلهای ناموسی باشد

رنجنامه زندگی زنان مریوان، امکان داشت فریبا نیز یکی از قربانیان قتلهای ناموسی باشد.
گفتگوی مینو همتی با فریبا رشیدی پیرامون معضلات زنان و دختران در مریوان

Fariba Could Have Been a Honor Killing Victim
Mino Hemati interviews Fariba Rashidه, about the horrors of honor killing in her hometown Marivan and its effects on the lives of the women and girls in that region. This interview was broadcast from RahaiZan TV program from Channel one Satellite TV trowd Iran, greater Middle East, Europe and North America.

The Transcript of the interview in Norwegian language:
Intervju med Fariba Rashidi
Kvinne og menneskerettighets aktivist

1. Kommer du fra byen Marivan? Kan du beskrive situasjonen for kvinner der?
Ja, min by Marivan er en av byene som befinner seg i det kurdiske område i Iran. Selv om byen er en kulturell by men er det mange forskjellige problemer når det gjelder kvinner. Det kan man dessverre peke på seksuell vold, æresdrap. Det finnes også fenomenet polygami i en stor del av samfunnet. Jentene i min by har mange forskjellige utfordringer som er utsatt for: Tvangsekteskap, ekteskap under alder(barneekteskap), turtur fra menn og familien sin side. De er fratatt av kjønhet og i å være en kvinne. De kan ikke bestemme over sitt eget liv og ønsker. De blir fornærmet og hjemarrest ofte. Når en kvinne blir utsatt for vold og seksuell overgrep er hun tvunget til taushet for det finnes ingen organisasjoner eller foreninger som kan beskytte de eller stoppe volden mot den. Så er det familien som bestemmer over alt og avgjør hvor livet deres skal føres til. Jenter som meg må bare holde kjeft! Vi må tole alt på grunn av ære og tradisjonelle fenomen ellers bli knivstukket og skjøt med våpen eller undertrykket slik at den eneste utvei blir selvmord!

2. i de siste årene har vi sett kvinlige bevegelser i Marivan byen. Organisasjoner som holder seminarer om æresdrap som skjer noen ganger imellom der, kan du forklare litt om disse aktivitetene og peke på noen eksemplarer i denne forbindelsen?
Ja, disse seminarene holdes i to dager og handles om samme tema men forkjempelser rundt vold mot kvinner kan ikke ha noe resultat utenom at kultur og tradisjonen blir endret. Siden ære, tradisjon og islamske kultur fører samfunnet blir det ikke noe endring. Siden kvinner blir sett som et kjønn(Gender) og kvinne blir handlet som et produkt får det ikke noe positivt til.
For menn er kvinner deres ære og rykte, ingen har rett å prate med dem, ingen skal se på dem eller lignende. Så til vi har denne kulturen denne æren og dette religiøse fenomenet så må vi forvente alle slags vold og drap og selvmord mot kviner. Da jeg var i Marivan byen, og den tiden som Fereshte Najati, ble drept av sin egen far, og hodet hennes ble hogget av ham, befolkningen protesterte mot det, de gikk i demonstrasjon og ville ha rettferdighet men sen bevegelsen hadde dessverre ikke noe resultat og folk opplevde et annet drap etter en kort tid i en av bygdene i Marivan previnsen som heter Dizli, kvinen ble drept av sin egen bror med våpen. Samtidig min nabo som gikk i selvmord. Hennes man hadde gitt henne olje og tvunget henne å brenne seg. Dette var veldig forferdelig for meg tenk på meg som nabo som var vitne for dette, jeg hadde mareritt hver natt og kunne ikke sove om natta i en lang periode. Dessverre skjer dette fortsatt og det finnes ingen straffer for det for selve det islamske regimet beskytter disse forbrytelsene, skjulte forbrytelser som både regimet og samfunnet vil ikke avsløre.

3. kan du snakke ut om dine egne opplevelser?
Ja, selvfølgelig. Etter alt jeg fortalte, var jeg et offer, et offer for tvangsekteskap som mindreårig. Jeg hadde ikke rett til å bestemme over mitt egget liv. Når jeg motsto ble jeg hjemarrest og utsatt for vold slik at jeg hadde ingen utvei unntatt selvmord, jeg gikk i selvmord men levde enda. Jeg har merker av turtur og brudd i kroppen ennå. Jeg har en sønn på 12 år som har ikke truffet i 10 år. Jeg er fratatt fra mine rettigheter som en mor. Jeg lever av å treffe mitt barn for en gangs skyld og klemme ham igjen. Dette er den største slag jeg har fått i livet. Ingen lov og organisasjon har hjulpet meg. I vårt samfunn finnes ingen rettigheter for kvinner.

4. Mange kvinner flykter fra Iran på grunn av disse årsakene du peker på. Er ikke din situasjon den triste realiteten som hjelpeløse kvinner opplever?
Ja, jeg fortalte det, jeg er et offer for denne forbrytelsen. Hvis jeg ikke hadde flyktet kunne jeg være offer for æresdrap. Jeg tenkte alltid på hvordan jeg kunne være i livet. Jeg slitet med vold og turtur. Så ble jeg nødt til å flykte for jeg kunne ikke tole mere vold og hadde mistet min tålmodighet. Om jeg ikke flyktet skulle jeg overgi meg til tradisjon, ære og den gamle kulturen. Jeg trengte trygghet, sikkerhet og fred som en kvinne. Noe jeg opplevde aldri i mitt fedreland. Mer enn alle andre etniske grupper i Iran og som en kurder. Det er så vanskelig at en kvinne velger illegale veier med mange tøffe problemer og skal bli hjemløs her i Europeiske land og gjennom veien sette livet sitt i fare. Om jeg ikke hadde noe problem ville jeg aldri sette mitt liv i fare. Urettferdigheter tvang kvinner som meg til å flykte men blir jeg dessverre ikke tatt på alvor. Jeg ønsker det finnes hår ennå!        

Interview with Fariba Rashidi
Woman and human rights activist

1. Are you from the city of Marivan? Can you describe the situation for women there?
Yes, my city Marivan is one of the cities located in the Kurdish area of Iran. Although the city is a cultural city but there are many different problems when it comes to women. Unfortunately, that can be pointed to sexual violence, honor killings. There is also the phenomenon of polygamy in a large part of society. The girls in my town have many different challenges that they are exposed to: Forced marriage, marriage under age (child marriage), abuse from men and their families. They are deprived of sexiness and of being a woman. They cannot decide on their own life and desires. They are insulted and often put under house arrest. When a woman is subjected to violence and sexual abuse, she is forced to remain silent because there are no organizations or associations that can protect them or stop the violence against them. Then it is the family that decides over everything and decides where their lives will be led to. Girls like me just shut up! We must tolerate everything because of honor and traditional phenomena or else be stabbed and shot with guns or oppressed so that the only way out is suicide!

2. in recent years we have seen women's movements in Marivan city. Organizations that hold seminars on honor killings that sometimes happen between there, can you explain a little about these activities and point to some examples in this regard?
Yes, these seminars are held for two days and deal with the same theme, but campaigns around violence against women cannot have any result other than culture and tradition being changed. Since honor, tradition and Islamic culture lead the society, there will be no change. Since women are seen as a gender (Gender) and women are traded as a product, nothing positive comes of it.
For men, women are their honor and reputation, no one has the right to talk to them, no one should look at them or the like. So until we have this culture, this honor and this religious phenomenon, we have to expect all kinds of violence and murder and suicide against women. When I was in Marivan city, and the time that Fereshte Najati, was killed by her own father, and her head was chopped off by him, the population protested against it, they went in demonstration and wanted justice but then the movement unfortunately had no result and people experienced another murder after a short time in one of the villages in Marivan province called Dizli, the woman was killed by her own brother with a weapon. At the same time my neighbor who committed suicide. Her husband had given her oil and forced her to burn herself. This was very terrible for me think of me as a neighbor who witnessed this, I had nightmares every night and could not sleep at night for a long period. Unfortunately this still happens and there are no punishments for it because the Islamic regime itself protects these crimes, hidden crimes that both the regime and society will not reveal.

3. can you talk about your own experiences?
Yes of course. From everything I told, I was a victim, a victim of forced marriage as a minor. I had no right to decide my egg life. When I resisted I was put under house arrest and subjected to violence so that I had no way out except suicide, I committed suicide but still lived. I still have signs of walking and fractures in my body. I have a 12 year old son who hasn't hit in 10 years. I am deprived of my rights as a mother. I live by meeting my child for once and hugging him again. This is the biggest blow I have received in my life. No law or organization has helped me. In our society there are no rights for women.

4. Many women flee Iran because of these reasons you point out. Isn't your situation the sad reality experienced by helpless women?
Yes, I told you, I am a victim of this crime. If I hadn't fled I could be the victim of an honor killing. I was always thinking about how I could be in life. I struggled with violence and vagrancy. Then I had to flee because I could not tolerate more violence and had lost my patience. If I did not flee, I would surrender to tradition, honor and the old culture. I needed safety, security and peace as a woman. Something I never experienced in my homeland. More than any other ethnic group in Iran and as a Kurd. It is so difficult that a woman chooses illegal paths with many tough problems and will become homeless here in European countries and put her life in danger along the way. If I didn't have a problem, I would never put my life in danger. Injustices forced women like me to flee, but unfortunately I am not taken seriously. I wish there was still hair!

آیا گوش شنوائی برای درد دل مهدی ها وجود دارد؟

نمایش فیلم مستند زندگی پر رنج دگرباشان در ایران اسلام زده، مهدی لب به سخن میگشاید تا گوشهای شنوا را بیآزماید.
این مستند اولین بار توسط مینو همتی در برنامه رهائی از کانال یک ماهواره پخش گردید
با تشکر از شاهین کاظمی برای تهیه و ارسال این فیلم و با تقدیر از مهدی که شجاعانه داستان زندگی پر رنج خود را با دیگر شهروندان و مردم جهان سهیم شد.

Mino Hemati, broadcasts from her weekly RahaiZan program from Channel One Satellite TV, a documentary about Mehdi's life story, under homophobic Islamic regime in Iran.
Thanks to Shahin Kazemi for producing this documentary, Thanks to Mehdi Zaghyan, who had the courage to share his story with his fellow citizens and the world.

میزگرد بررسی قانون ازدواج با فرزند خوانده،

میزگرد بررسی قانون ازدواج با فرزند خوانده، با شرکت شراره رضائی فعال حقوق زنان و کودکان، شادیار عمرانی فعال سیاسی و روزنامه نگار و مینو همتی برنامه ساز رهائی زن از کانال یک تلویزیون ماهواره.

A round Table by Mino Hemati Rahaizan TV program producer / host and Sharareh Rezai and Shadyar Omrani Guests of the program. Subject of discussion the passing of Islamic law:
Islamic regime's parliament in Iran recently passed a law authorizing foster fathers to legally marry their foster daughters.
With passing of this "law", humanity is faced by another challenge to protect children, especially girls from sexual abuse and horrifying life experience.
This law allows ill intentioned foster fathers to groom their foster daughters as their future sex slaves. By introducing this law to a society that Sharia law of the land has deprived women from basic human rights, turned them into subservient of their male relatives, we are facing another disaster for the most vulnerable female children. It is unimaginable, what the female foster child would go through to call a man father, while knowing this man could under the protection of the law, turn her into his sex slave when the time comes.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

میترا پورشجری نگران محرومیت پدرش از دارو در زندان رژیم اسلامی است

میترا پورشجری نگران محرومیت پدرش از دارو در زندان رژیم اسلامی است و در گفتگو با مینو همتی از نهادهای حقوق بشری تقاضای رسیدگی به این وضعیت جسمی محمد رضا پورشجری وبلاگ نویس در بند، دارد

Mitra Pour Shajari in an interview with Mino Hemati expresses her concern about her   father's health, the imprisoned blogger who is denied his medication in Islamic regime.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

معشیت خانوار کارگری در منگه رژیم اسلامی و بحران اقتصادیش

معشیت خانوار کارگری در منگه رژیم اسلامی و بحران اقتصادیش
دنباله سلسله مباحث کارگری با بهرنگ زندی از فعالین کارگری در
 مصاحبه مینوهمتی برنامه رهائی زن پخش از تلویوزیون کانال یک

Monday, September 23, 2013

بررسی مبارزات زنان برای حقوق برابر در خاورمیانه و وعده های روحانی

بررسی مبارزات زنان برای حقوق برابر در خاورمیانه و وعده های روحانی
در گفتگوی مینو همتی با ثریا شهابی فعال سیاسی، فعال حقوق زنان و کودکان.
Mino Hemati, Rahaizan TV Producer, Talks to women's Rights activist in regards to Issues Concerning Women's Rights In the Middle East & Rohani's promises.

Friday, August 30, 2013

نمایش مستند "دو برادر" اثر یوسف اکرمی Two Brothers" By Joseph Akrami"

دو برادری که توسط رژیم اسلامی در سال 1390 اعدام شدند
 زنده یادان عبدالله و محمد فتحی
 "Two Brothers" Documentary By Canadian Film Maker Joseph Akrami.
executed by Islamic Regime of Iran in 2011

Sunday, August 18, 2013

فستیوال پراید در دفاع از حقوق انسانی دگرباشان، گزارشی از ژیار همت Stockholm Pride Festival in defense of Human Rights

فستیوال پراید در دفاع از حقوق انسانی دگرباشان، گزارشی از ژیار همت (سازمان رهائی زن استکهلم) برای
 رهائی زن کانال یک
A reportage from Zhiar Hemat Stockholm Pride Festival in defense of Human Rights of LGBT community.
Rahai Zan TV Program, Channel One Satellite TV in Farsi, Broadcasting from Los Angeles to Iran, Greater Middle est, Europe and North America.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

نمایش مستند "دو برادر" اثر یوسف اکرمی Two Brothers" By Joseph Akrami"

برنامه ویژه آخرین لحظه  شهرام همایون و با همکاری مینو همتی
 نمایش مستند "دو برادر" اثر یوسف اکرمی
 برای نخستین بار از کانال یک بطرف ایران پخش شد
بهمراه گفتگو با یوسف اکرمی فیلمساز مقیم کانادا
 و مهوش علاسوندی و بیژن فتحی
پدر و مادر زنده یادان عبدالله و محمد فتحی
 دو برادری که توسط رژیم اسلامی در سال 1390 اعدام شدند

Channel One TV: Last Moment Program By Shahram Homayoun and Mino Hemati
Broadcasting "Two Brothers" Documentary By Canadian Film Maker Joseph Akrami.
Along with interviews with the Filmmaker and 
Parents of Fathi Brothers (executed by Islamic Regime of Iran in 2011.)
تلفن تماس با نهاد مادران علیه اعدام

Saturday, July 20, 2013

برنامه ویژه وضعیت خانواده های کارگری در ایران

برنامه ویژه وضعیت خانواده های کارگری در ایران

برنامه ویژه وضعیت خانواده های کارگری در ایران
در این برنامه مینو همتی در گفتگوئی با فعال کارگری بهرنگ زندی پیرامون مسائلی که خانواده های کارگری و بخصوص زنان و کودکان در ایران را تحت تاثیر قرار میدهد بررسی میشود.
این برنامه از کانال یک ماهواره بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید.

RahaiZan TV Producer interviews labor activist Behrang Zandi about the situation of working families in Iran. This program was broadcast to Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America  via Channel One Satellite TV in Farsi

Monday, July 15, 2013

گزارشی تصویری از اعتصاب غذا و تحصن یوسف خیرخواهی در مقابل مقر کمیساریای عالی پناهندگان سازمان ملل در آنکارا A Reportage from Asylum Seekers -Yousef Kheir khahi

گزارشی تصویری از اعتصاب غذا و تحصن یوسف خیرخواهی در مقابل مقر کمیساریای عالی پناهندگان سازمان ملل در آنکارا.
با تشکر از بهرنگ زندی برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش 

A Reportage from Asylum Seekers(Yousef Kheirkhahi and others) strike in front of the UNHCR Ankara.
RahaiZan TV program broadcasting from Los Angeles via Channel One Satellite station in Farsi, Towards Iran, Greater Middle East, Europe, U.S. and Canada.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

بهمراه مینو همتی پای صحبت مادر داغدار افشین اسانلو مینشینیم Interview With Afshin Osanloo Mother

Interview With Afshin Osanloo Mother

گفتگوی مینو همتی با یوسف خیرخواهی فعال سیاسی در حال اعتصاب غذا در آنکارا ترکیه Support Yousef Khair Khahi,

Support Yousef Khair Khahi, An interview with Hunger Striker in Ankara Turkey.
گفتگوی مینو همتی با یوسف خیرخواهی فعال سیاسی در حال اعتصاب غذا در آنکارا ترکیه و همچنین گفتگو با
بهرنگ زندی سخنگوی کمپین حمایت از یوسف خیرخواهی

انتظارات و راهکارهای جنبش رهائی زن از شرایط پس از انتخاب روحانی What to Expect after Rohani's election

What to Expect after Rohani's election

انتظارات و راهکارهای جنبش رهائی زن از شرایط پس از انتخاب روحانی

گزارش تصویری از اعتراض به انتخابات رژیم اسلامی در شهر گوتنبرگ سوئد A video reportage from Gothenburg Protest to Islamic Regime Election

Rahai Zan , Channel One Satellite TV Broad casting from Los Angeles.
A video reportage from Gothenburg Protest to Islamic Regime Election. Thanks to Shahin Kazemi for the video report.
گزارش تصویری از اعتراض به انتخابات رژیم اسلامی در شهر گوتنبرگ سوئد
با سپاس از شاهین کاظمی برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش

Thursday, June 13, 2013

بررسی نظرات خانم شیرین عبادی در مورد انتخابات آزاد در ایران اسلامزده

بررسی نظرات خانم شیرین عبادی در مورد انتخابات آزاد در ایران اسلامزده تم میزگرد مینو همتی است با دو تن از فعالین حقوق زنان و کودکان ثریا شهابی و شراره رضائی در برنامه تلویزیونی رهائی زن از کانال یک ماهواره.
RahaiZan TV Anchor/Producer Mino Hemati Discuss Shirin Ebadi's Free Election Position in Iran, with two Women's Rights Activists, Soraya Shahabi and Sharareh Rezaie,

Sunday, June 9, 2013

گفتگوی مینو همتی با بنیانگذاران جنبش مادران علیه اعدام، مهوش علاسوندی و بیژن فتحی interviews Founder's of Mother's Against Execution.

گفتگوی مینو همتی با بنیانگذاران جنبش مادران علیه اعدام، مهوش علاسوندی و بیژن فتحی.
بمناسبت دومین سالگرد قتل محمد و عبدالله فتحی توسط رژیم اسلامی
برقراری ارتباط بینندگان رهائی زن با این عزیزان
Mino Hemati Rahaizan TV Producer, interviews Founder's of Mother's Against Execution.
Mahvash Alasvandi & Bijan Fathi, parents of Mohammad and Abdollah who were executed by Islamic Regime of Iran on the occasion of second memorial.

در ادامه نظرسنجی در مورد انتخابات رژیم اسلامی Election Interview with Sirvan Fattahi

مینو همتی در ادامه نظرسنجی در مورد انتخابات رژیم اسلامی
، نظریک جوان، سیروان فتاحی فعال سیاسی مدنی مقیم نروژ را جویا میشود
Mino Hemati Rahaizan TV Producer / Anchor, interviews Sirvan Fatahi a civil and political activist from, who is residing in Norway. The interview is part of collection views about Islamic Regime's "election" in Iran.
Script of the interview in Norwegian language:

Vi er i starten av valget av iransk regime, denne gangen er vi i Norge og skal snakke med en ung politiker fran Iran med navn Sirvan Fatahi. Velkommen til våres program.  

Hei takk for invitasjon 
du har levd i Norge i noen år, og hva er den største forskjellen mellom norske og iranske valg? Og hva har du å si om dette?

I Norge, er det en enhet kalt Vokterrådet. Vokterrådets jobb er å identifisere kvalifiserte kandidater. Eller bedre å si at det ikke er nødvendig. To eller tre av de store partiene er i den herskende klassen og valget for en periode på folk stemme for er rettmessig. Forskjellen her er at folk i Norge føler at de har lov til stemme, men i Iran er det ikke sånn. Valgene i Norge er mer komplekse, men jeg vil gjerne snakke om valget i Iran.

Hva er din mening om valget for den yngre generasjon??

Først av alt tror jeg ikke folk i valget i Iran har noen rett til å velge sin kandidat. Og hvis de har denne retten, vil de stemme på iransk islamsk regime.

For det andre: folk kan bare stemme på de som er godkjent av vokterrådet. Så under disse vilkårene, så de må altså velge ut i fra de kandidatene som er valgt av vokterrådet, og kan ikke velge fritt selv.

For det tredje: eks hvis vokterrådet ikke kommer til å stoppe noen fra å kunne bli kandidat i valget, vil feks 70 000 000 stille til å bli president. Så denne presidenten vil da jobbe under iransk islamsk lov, så hvordan kan du da forvente forbedringer fra regjeringen?

Selv f.eks. formynderskap av islamske jurister er valgfritt, er det ikke riktig at valget burde være mellom juristene. Og den som da blir valgt fortsetter og spille rollen som øverstkommanderende sau.

Jeg sier at feks: hvis det skulle være et valg for alle de viktige stillingene i regjeringen. Vi har valgt Feks: turturister, sivil politiet, pasadar, ettelaat, etc. til å styre landet. Hva er da poenget hvis vi da kommer til å velge disse menneskene til å styre landet?

Eks: hvis du er i Tyskland under Hitler, bare tenk da på å ha et fullt fritt valg under fasisme. inntil du har et fasistisk system, spiller karakterene i myndigheter ingen rolle. Fordi dette ville ikke forandre på karakteren på fasismen. Kanskje en bedre fasisme vil komme til regjering og i steden for å drepe tusner på tusner av mennesker i mursteinsovner, drep de en etter en med en god kniv. Kommer det til å bli en forandring?

I systemet i Iran er det ikke presidenten, formynderskap av islamske jurister eller ettelat som er problemet, det er det iranske Islamiske regime som er problemet. Systemet er i mot menneskeheten og er umenneskelig og ubrukelig, det er grunnelggende anti-human og anti-woman. År etter år lager de et helvette for menneskenes liv i Iran. Dette systemet burde tilintetgjøres, og når det blir tilintetgjort kan vi ha et valg for en ny regjering og ny president.

Tror du den yngre generasjon kommer til å få noe ut av det nye valget? 
Nei! Den yngre generasjon kommer ikke til å få noe ut av det nye valget. Og jeg vil si til folk at de ikke skal stole på dette valget og ikke stemme.

Takk for at du var med i dette programmet!

Friday, May 17, 2013

زنان و انتخابات رژیم اسلامی Women and Islamic Regime's election

زنان و انتخابات رژیم اسلامی گفتگوی مینو همتی با ثریا شهابی در آستانه نمایش انتخاباتی رژیم اسلامی زن ستیز Women & Islamic Regime's election An interview with Soraya Shahabi a women's rights activist. This interview was broadcast from Rahaizan Program Via Channel One Farsi satellite station in Los Angeles towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America.

انتخابات، یک نظرسنجی کوتاه در شهر گوتنبرگ سوئد Islamic Regime's Election, a short survey of Iranian Asylum seeker

انتخابات، یک نظرسنجی کوتاه در شهر گوتنبرگ سوئد با سپاس از شاهین کاظمی برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش ویدیوئی Islamic Regime's Election, a short survey of Iranian Asylum seeker's in Gothenburg Sweden. Thanks to Shahin Kazemi for producing and sending his video reportage which was broadcast from RahaiZan program via channel one Farsi satellite TV.

در حمایت از کارگران ایران بمناسبت اول مه و در دفاع از کارگران زندانی In support of detained labor activists in Iran

در حمایت از کارگران ایران بمناسبت اول مه و در دفاع از کارگران زندانی با سپاس از سیوان رضائی و علیرضا بیداریان برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش از شهر گوتنبرگ سوئد به برنامه رهائی زن از کانال یک در لس آنجلس. In support of detained labor activists in Iran - Demonstration in Gothenburg. Thanks to Syvan Rezae and Alireza Bidarian for Sending this video reportage. This video was broadcast from Rahai Zan Program via Channel One Farsi Sataellite TV station in Los Angeles.

تظاهرات علیه قوانین ضد پناهنده در کشور سوئد. Demonstration against anti refugee law in Sweden

تظاهرات علیه قوانین ضد پناهنده در کشور سوئد. با سپاس از شاهین کاظمی برای ارسال این گزارش ویدیوئی. Demonstration against anti refugee law in Sweden. Thanks to Shaihin Kazemi for recording and sending this video reportage to RahaiZan TV Program broadcasting from Channel One Farsi Satellite station in Los Angeles.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

زنان سرخ پوش مریوان و رویاروئی با نیروهای انتظامی رژیم اسلامی Women in Red in Marivan Kurdistan of Iran

Women in Red in Marivan Kurdistan of Iran. Mino Hemati Interviews Jamil Khoanche Zar in regards to protest in Marivan. زنان سرخ پوش مریوان و رویاروئی با نیروهای انتظامی رژیم اسلامی گفتگوی مینو همتی با جمیل خوانچه زر

نقش زنان در جنبش کارگری ایران Women's role in labor movement in Iran

نقش زنان در جنبش کارگری ایران مصاحبه ویژه اول ماه مه با فرخنده آشنا فعال سرشناس جنبش کارگری ایران این مصاحبه از برنامه رهائی زن و از طریق کانال یک و از لس آنجلس بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی در روزهای 26 و 27 آوریل پخش گردید Women's role in labor movement in Iran; Mino Hemati Interviews Farkhondeh Ashena, labor activist. This interview has been broadcast from Rahaizan program via Channel One Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America, on April 26 & 27 2013.

گالری مبارزه با خشونت توسط دکترکیومهر دادستان Anti Violence Art Gallery By Dr Kiumehr

گالری مبارزه با خشونت توسط دکترکیومهر دادستان

Anti Violence Art Gallery By Dr Kiumehr

گالری مبارزه با خشونت توسط دکترکیومهر دادستان
Anti Violence Gallery By Dr Farideh Kiumehr Dadsetan
 This reportage was conducted by Omid Abtahi and  has been broadcast from Rahaizan program via Channel One Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America, on April 26 & 27 2013.

Monday, April 22, 2013

گفتگوی مینو همتی با ایوا حدادیان وکیل پناهجویان در سوئد Mino Hemati interviews, Swedish Asylum seeker lawyer, Eva Haddadian at Rahaizan Conference in Stockholm Sweden.

گفتگوی مینو همتی با ایوا حدادیان وکیل پناهجویان در سوئد
 این گفته در حاشیه کنفرانس رهائی زن در استکهلم صورت گرفته است

Mino Hemati interviews, Swedish Asylum seeker lawyer, Eva Haddadian at Rahaizan Conference in Stockholm Sweden.
Thanks to Shahin Kazemi for video Capture of the interview

کنفرانس آزادی و رهائی جامعه، جای حق زن؟ استکهلم، سوئد ماه مارس 2013 Emancipation of Women Conference - Stockholm Sweden March 8 2013

کنفرانس آزادی و رهائی جامعه، جای حق زن؟
استکهلم، سوئد ماه مارس 2013

کنفرانس رهائی زن، بمناسبت روز جهانی زن در استکهلم سوئد
کنفرانس با کلام رعنا کریم زاده دبیر سازمان رهائی در استکهلم آغاز شد و با گفتار مینوهمتی دبیر سازمان ادامه پیدا کرد.
Stockholm - Rahaizan Conference March 2013
Introduction By Raana Karimzadeh, and First Speaker Mino Hemati
Thanks to Shahin Kazemi for video reportage & Alireza Bidarian for photos

سخنرانی ثریا شهابی
Stockholm - Rahaizan Conference March 2013
Speaker Soraya Shahabi

مشارکت میهمانان در مباحث قابل توجه بود

  ژیار همت ،باران؛آسو؛نازی؛میترا کهرم

سخنرانی دیانا نامی
 کنفرانس رهائی زن، استکهلم
Stockholm - Rahaizan Conference March 2013
 Speaker Diana Nami

سخنرانی رعنا کریم زاده
 کنفرانس رهائی زن، استکهلم 
Stockholm - Rahaizan Conference March 2013 Speaker Raana Karimzadeh

پیام تلفنی آزاده شیرازی از ترکیه و قاسم فرطوسی از بازداشتگاه اداره مهاجرت سوئد به کنفرانس رهائی زن، استکهلم 

Stockholm - Rahaizan Conference March 2013 
 Telephone Message From Azadeh Shirazi (in Turkey) and Ghasem Fartoosi (in Swedish Immigration Detention)

گفتگوی مینو همتی با ایوا حدادیان وکیل پناهجویان در سوئد
 این گفته در حاشیه کنفرانس رهائی زن در استکهلم صورت گرفته است
 Mino Hemati interviews, Swedish Asylum seeker lawyer, Eva Haddadian at Rahaizan Conference in Stockholm Sweden.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

انعکاس صدای مردم در تظاهرات علیه رزیم اسلامی در مقابل سفارت ایران در استکهلم

انعکاس صدای مردم در تظاهرات علیه رزیم اسلامی در مقابل سفارت ایران در استکهلم، مینوهمتی به پخش گزارش ویژه این تظاهرات در برنامه این هفته اختصاص میدهد. این برنامه ساعت 10 و نیم بعد از ظهر 22 فوریه بوقت لس آنجلس بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی از طریق کانال یک پخش گردید. Mino Hemati Rahai Zan TV Producer / Host had an special reportage from the demonstration against Islamic regime's atrocities against women and citizens, in front front of Iran's Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.This reportage was broadcast towards Iran, Middle East, europe and North America, from Channel One Farsi Satellite TV Station from Los Angeles on February 22th, 2013 10:30 PM PST

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In Danger Of Deportation پناهجویان در معرض خطر دیپورت

پناهجویان در معرض خطر دیپورت، گفتگوی مینوهمتی با حمید رضا حسنی یاوند،آرش هوشمند و احمد اکبری در بازداشتگاه فلن سوئد. این برنامه ساعت 12 و ده دقیقه بعد از ظهر 18 فوریه بوقت لس آنجلس بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی از طریق کانال یک پخش گردید. Mino Hemati Rahai Zan TV Producer / Host had an interview with asylum seekers In Danger Of Deportation from Sweden. This interview was broadcast towards Iran, Middle East, europe and North America, from Channel One Farsi Satellite TV Station from Los Angeles on February 19th, 2013 12:10 PM PST

One Billion Rising in Farsiیک میلیارد نفر بپاخیزید

One Billion Rising in Farsiیک میلیارد نفر بپاخیزید

Rahai Zan TV Producer / Host Mino Hemati presents mission of Eve Ensler campaign of one Billion Rising to her Farsi Speaking audience via Channel One Farsi satellite station broadcasting towards Iran, Afghanistan, Middle East, Europe and North America. Http://www.RahaiZan.tv

Sunday, February 10, 2013

ShahinDal memorial مراسم بزرگداشت فادیمه شاهیندال در گوتنبرگ

ShahinDal memorial مراسم بزرگداشت فادیمه شاهیندال در گوتنبرگ

Fadimah ShahinDal memorial in Gothenburg Sweden, By RahaiZan and Swedish activists, مراسم بزرگداشت فادیمه شاهیندال در گوتنبرگ سوئد. واحد گوتنبرگ رهائی زن این گزارش را تهیه کرده است

Islamic Republic anti-women laws قوانین زن ستیز اسلامی در ایران

مصاحبه مینوهمتی با شراره رضائی پیرامون قوانین زن ستیز اسلامی در ایران، این گقتگو در روز جمعه 8 فوریه 2013 از برنامه رهائی بسمت ایران ، منطقه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی  از کانال یک ماهواره پخش گردید.
متن مصاحبه برای خوانندگان انگلیسی زبان تهیه شده.
The English transcript of the Interview, which was broadcasted towards Iran, Middle East, Europe & North America, via Channel One Satellite in Rahai Zan TV Program.
Excerpt of a Television interview  with Sharareh Rezaei, the secretary of Association for the Defence of  Women and Children Rights-TEHRAN, and a member of the leadership of The Organization for Emancipation of Women (OEW) and the Editor of the OEW Journal. The interview was conducted by Mino Hemati, the director of the OEW and the producer and presenter of OEW TV.

Mino Hemati: What are the most anti-women  laws that the Islamic Republic has adopted and implemented against women in Iran?
Sharareh Rezaei:  When  the Islamic Republic came to power (1979), by adopting the Family Laws based on Islam and Sharia they initiated an all sided attack against women and imposed an all encompassing sexual apartheid on the country.

Some of these new Sharia based laws were:
- Gender segregation in schools, buses and Universities
- Abolishment of the right of women to divorce and children’s custody
- Women’s share of inheritance were reduced to that of half of men
- Women’s testimony before the court of law was downgraded to that of half of men
- Age of marriage for girls was lowered to 9 years of age.
- Polygamy and temporary marriage were legalised
- Men were given the right to physically and mentally punish their wives for disobeying them!
- Honour killings were tolerated and encouraged
- Stoning women to death were introduced and exercised

The above are just a sample of anti-women laws that were adopted and implemented by the Islamic regime.

The introduction of these laws further increased anti-women views and practices in the society. Backward and male chauvinist attitudes gained currency.

Women found to be flouting the sharia laws have been subjected to severest punishment including torture, imprisonment and stoning.

Mino Hemati: What are the effects and consequences of such misogynist laws?
 Sharareh Rezaei: - In Iran while the number of girls in higher education is higher than boys, nevertheless the number of women in employment is only 11% of that of men. The introduction of Islamic based laws has led to a dramatic increase in divorce; prostitution; temporary marriage (Seigheh – legal prostitution) as well as increase in polygamy, honour related violence and an increase in the number of children being born outside the wedlock.

A large number of women and girls have been expelled from their work places, universities and schools for violating strict Islamic dress code.

All these mistreatments and discriminations have been institutionalise and led to a total humiliation and degradation of women.

Mino Hemati: What has been the reaction among women and especially women's rights activists to women situation in Iran?
 Sharareh Rezaei: Don’t be surprised if I say the struggle and opposition to sexual apartheid  and discrimination has not stopped even  for one day. Women and girls constantly and on daily basis challenge “hijab”.  They take on the authorities at every opportunity knowing full well that such actions will carry retribution on the part of the security forces not only against them but also their families will be implicated.

Many of the women’s rights activists are still in prison. A number of activists fearing for their lives have been forced to flee the country.

The protest and opposition against these laws are as old as the Islamic Republic. In 1980 more than 100,000 people took to the street in protest against the imposition of compulsory hijab.  In recent years a number of high profile gatherings and protests have taken place in front of Tehran University and “Laleh Park” ,  all against family laws and all its misogynist and anti-women implications and against suppression of women.

Every year on the occasion of March 8th, a number of gatherings and events are organised despite all the intimidation, assault and arrest of the organisers and participants.  Women activists also mark November 25th, the international day against violence against women by organising meetings, conferences and gatherings.

Mino Hemati: At the end of the interview do you have any messages for our viewers?

Sharareh Rezaei: I would like to say that in a society struck by sexual apartheid we all are victims. We are all being subjected to oppression and degradation just because we are women. Our suffering is indiscriminate. We all suffer and this calls for a collective response.

We need to call on the international public opinion and make them aware that the Islamic inspired sexual apartheid is not any less abhorrent than racial apartheid that was universally condemned.  We must let the world know that the emancipation of women in Iran is part and parcel of human liberation and its progress. Struggle against the Islamic Republic should be through siding and supporting women’s and workers movements in Iran and not through economic sanctions and military assault on Iran by US and Israel.

مراسم بزرگداشت فادیمه شاهیندال در گوتنبرگ سوئد Fadimah ShahinDal memorial in Gothenburg Sweden

Fadimah ShahinDal memorial in Gothenburg Sweden, By RahaiZan and Swedish activists,
مراسم بزرگداشت فادیمه شاهیندال در گوتنبرگ سوئد.
واحد گوتنبرگ رهائی زن این گزارش را تهیه کرده است

Monday, January 21, 2013

جنبش مادران علیه اعدام Mothers Against Execution

جنبش مادران علیه اعدام
گفتگو با مهوش و بیژن فتحی بنیانگذاران این حرکت در پی قتل دو فرزندشان توسط تناب دار حکومت اسلامی ایران
Mothers  Against Execution, a movement by parents of two young brothers executed by Islamic Regime in Iran.
Mino Hemati Rahai Zan TV Anchor / Producer interviews Mahvash and Bijan Fathi, parents of Mohammad and Abdollah Fathi who were executed by Islamic Regime. This interview was broadcast via Channel One Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America on January 18 2013 Rahai Zan TV Program with Mino Hemati

گفتگوی مینو همتی با پدر و مادر زانیار مرادی Stop executing Zanyar & Loghman Moradi

گفتگوی مینو همتی با پدر و مادر زانیار مرادی
حکم اعدام زانیار و اقبال مرادی را لغو کنید
Stop executing Zanyar & Loghman Moradi!
An Interview with Mother and Father of Zanyar Moradi, a political prisoner to be executed by Islamic regime in Iran.
was broadcast via Channel One Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America on January 18 2013 Rahai Zan TV Program with Mino Hemati

اعتراضات علیه احکام اعدام زانیار و لقمان مرادی
A reportage on wave of protest against the death sentence of two political prisoners (Zanyar & Loghman Moradi) in Iran.
was broadcast via Channel One Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America on Jan 18 2013 Rahai Zan TV Program with Mino Hemati

Friday, January 4, 2013

تلاش برای منع قانونی ازدواج اجباری در انگلستان IKWRO

تلاش برای منع قانونی ازدواج اجباری در انگلستان
گفتگوی اختصاصی مینو همتی با دیانا نامی مدیر سازمان حقوق زنان ایرانی و کرد
Rahai Zan TV Anchor Producer in a  discussion with  Diana Nami on her efforts for women's rights in England. Her Organization IKWRO is in forefront of banning forced marraige in U.K, this program was broadcast via Channel One Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America on January 4, 2013 Rahai Zan TV Program with Mino Hemati