Thursday, December 17, 2015

گزارش مراسم منع خشونت علیه زنان در اشتوتگارت و سن اندریاسبرگ آلمان The international Day to Stop violence against women.

گزارش مراسم منع خشونت علیه زنان در اشتوتگارت و سن اندریاسبرگ آلمان
با سپاس از شراره رضائی برای تهیه و ارسال گزارش

RahaiZan TV Reportage from Stuttgart and Sankt Andreasberg in Germany, The international Day to Stop violence against women.
This program was broadcast via Channel one Satellite TV towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America.

Friday, November 13, 2015

بررسی امنیت سایبری در دنیای مجازی ، راههای مبارزه با فیلترینگ How to combat filtering in Cyber Space with Hamid Nasiri

بررسی امنیت سایبری  در دنیای مجازی ، راههای مبارزه با فیلترینگ
گفتگوی مینوهمتی  با حمید نصیری کارشناس اینترنت و دنیای مجازی
How to combat filtering in Cyber Space with Hamid Nasiri.
This was first aired from Rahai Zan Program from Channel One TV

Sunday, November 8, 2015

مطالبات معلمان و پاسخ حکومت اسلامی Teacher's demand and Islamic regime's response in Iran

در وصف معلم و مقام والایش قصیده ها و روایات زیادی نقل میشود. لیکن وقت پاسخگوئی به مطالبات برحقشان، چنگ و دندان و زندان نمایان میشود. وقت آن رسیده است که جامعه یکپارچه از معلمان فرزندان خود مستقیما حمایت کند و خواستار تحقق فوری مطالباتشان باشد.
در برنامه امروز مطالبات معلمان و بازتاب آن در دیگر جننبشهای اجتماعی را با فعالین این عرصه بگفتگو مینشینیم.
آقای رحمانی از فعالین معلمان و خانم آشنا از فعالین کارگری را در برنامه رهائی زن از کانال یک داریم. 
Teacher's demand and Islamic regime's response in Iran

Friday, November 6, 2015

بررسی امنیت سایبری در دنیای مجازی ، امنیت کامپیوتر کاربران Computer Safety in Cyber Space with Hamid Nasiri

بررسی امنیت سایبری  در دنیای مجازی ، امنیت کامپیوتر کاربران
گفتگوی مینوهمتی  با حمید نصیری کارشناس اینترنت و دنیای مجازی
Computer Safety in Cyber Space with Hamid Nasiri.
This was first aired from Rahai Zan Program from Channel One TV.

Friday, October 16, 2015

بررسی وضعیت خانواده کارگری و تشدید سرکوب فعالین کارگری Harsh Labor conditions in Iran

بررسی وضعیت خانواده کارگری و تشدید سرکوب فعالین کارگری
در گفتگو با فرخنده آشنا فعال کارگری مقیم سوئد
برنامه تلویزیونی رهائی زن هر هفته از کانال یک ماهواره بسمت ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش میگردد.
Harsh Labor conditions under Islamic Regime of Iran

Thursday, October 8, 2015

جاسوسی و هک شدن سایتها، بررسی امنیت سایبری در دنیای مجازی Discussion about Cyber spying and hacking

بررسی امنیت سایبری  در دنیای مجازی ، جاسوسی و هک شدن سایتها
گفتگوی مینوهمتی  با حمید نصیری کارشناس اینترنت و دنیای مجازی
Discussion about Cyber spying and hacking

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

بررسی امنیت سایبری در دنیای مجازی ، اینترنت ملی و عواقب آ ن برای فعالیت در دنیای مجازی Cyber Security and National Internet

بررسی امنیت سایبری  در دنیای مجازی  ،اینترنت ملی  و عواقب آ ن برای فعالیت   در دنیای مجازی
گفتگوی مینوهمتی  با حمید نصیری کارشناس اینترنت و دنیای مجازی

Mino Hemati interviews Hamid Nasiri in regards to:
Cyber Security and National Internet, Social Media and women's rights activism.

Friday, August 28, 2015

بررسی دیکتاتوری مجازی ، جرائم سایبری و فعالیت در دنیای مجازی Cyber dictatorship and Human Rights

بررسی دیکتاتوری مجازی ، جرائم سایبری و فعالیت  در دنیای مجازی
گفتگو با حمید نصیری کارشناس اینترنت و دنیای مجازی
 Cyber dictatorship and Human Rights in Iran

Friday, August 14, 2015

معرفی کتاب جنسیت ایکس Gender X Book about LGBT in Iran

معرفی کتاب جنسیت ایکس،
 تجربه زیست هم جنس گرایان و ترنس جندرها در ایران
Gender X Book about LGBT in Iran, by Shadi Amin

Friday, July 31, 2015

حمایت از مقاومت مردم کوبانی دربرابر تروریستهای اسلامی داعش Support of people of Kobani against ISIS

RahaiZan Program interviews Sharareh Rezaei about Support of people of Kobani against ISIS terrorist in Stuttgart Germany
حمایت از مقاومت مردم کوبانی دربرابر تروریستهای اسلامی داعش
گفتگو با شراره رضائی در مورد حمایت مردمی در اشتوتگارت از مردم کوبانی و یاری رسانندگان به بازسای کوبانی

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

سرانجام مذاکرات هسته ای و سرنوشت حقوق بشر و جنبشهای اجتماعی در ایران Nuclear Deal And Human Rights in Iran

سرانجام مذاکرات هسته ای و سرنوشت حقوق بشر و جنبشهای اجتماعی در ایران

گفتگوئی ویژه با ثریا شهابی فعال حقوق زنان و کودکان.

RahaiZan TV Program: Nuclear Deal And the plight of Human Rights in Iran is discussed in an interview with Soraya Shahabi, a women and children's rights activist in UK.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

گفتگوی مینو همتی با شادی امین نویسنده کتاب جنسیت ایکس، تجربه زیست هم جنس گرایان و ترنس جندرها در ایران

گفتگوی مینو همتی با شادی امین نویسنده کتاب جنسیت ایکس،
 تجربه زیست هم جنس گرایان و ترنس جندرها در ایران

Mino Hemati interviewed Shadi Amin author of Gender X a look at life of LGBT in Iran.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

آکسیون شهر اشتوتگارت آلمان در حمایت از حرکت اعتراضی مردم مهاباد Stuttgart in support of Mahabad

آکسیون شهر اشتوتگارت آلمان در حمایت از حرکت اعتراضی مردم مهاباد در پی مرگ فریناز خسروانی.
با سپاس از شراره عزیز برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش

Special reportage from Stuttgart, in support of people of Mahabad, protesting the death of Farinaz. This program was broadcasted by Rahai Zan TV from Channel One Satellite TV towards IRan, Middle East, Europe and North America.

Monday, June 1, 2015

بررسی پیامدهای مرگ فریناز خسروانی در مهاباد protests of people of Mahabad

بررسی پیامدهای مرگ فریناز خسروانی در مهاباد
مینو همتی نظر روپاک و شادی مطیعی را در واکنش مردم مهاباد به چگونگی مرگ فریناز خسروانی جویا میشود.
RahaiZan TV interviews Rupak & Shadi Motei about the protests of people of Mahabad to the death of Farinaz Khosravani.
This program was broadcasted towards Iran, Middle East, Europe and North America via Channel One Satellite station in Farsi on May 21st 2015.

Monday, May 25, 2015

گزارشات اول ماه مه از ایران و سایر نقاط

قطعنامه سندیکای شرکت واحد در اول ماه مه امسال این گزارشات از برنامه رهائی زن و از طریق کانال یک بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید

با سپاس از شاهین کاظمی برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش
این گزارشات از برنامه رهائی زن و از طریق کانال یک بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید

با سپاس از میثم باریک رو برای تهیه و ارسال این گزارش
این گزارشات از برنامه رهائی زن و از طریق کانال یک بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید

با سپاس از بنیامین و همکارانش در تهیه و ارسال این ودیو
این گزارشات از برنامه رهائی زن و از طریق کانال یک بسوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

بمناسبت اول مه، بررسی وضعیت خانواده کارگری در سالی که گذشت

گفتگوی مینو همتی با فرخنده آشنا فعال کارگری و فعال سیاسی مقیم سوئد در برنامه رهائی زن از کانال یک ماهواره.
در این گفتگو بر ضرورت اتحاد معلمان و کارگران نیز تاکید شد
The plight of working class families under Islamic Regime of Iran, is discussed in an interview with Farkhondeh Ashena, labor and political activist in exile in Sweden

Saturday, February 28, 2015

با فعالین رهائی زن در نروژ به استقبال 8 مارس برویم Upcoming March 8 events in Norway

با فعالین رهائی زن در نروژ به استقبال 8 مارس برویم
گفتگو با شادی و روپاک  مطیعی در نروژ و
 پیرامون تدارک برنامه های روز جهانی زن در این کشور

Mino Hemati interviews Rupak Motii and Shadi Motei Women's Rights Activists in Norway, in preparation for March 8th International Women's Day events.
This program was broadcast via Channel One Farsi satellite station towards Iran, Afghanistan Tajikistan, Middle east, Europe and North America on February 13th 2015.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

گفتگوی مینو همتی با سحر صامت ژورنالیست و فعال رهائی زن در بازداشتگاه اداره مهاجرت سوئد Sahar Samet in Swedish Detention

  گفتگوی مینو همتی با سحر صامت ژورنالیست و فعال رهائی زن 
در بازداشتگاه اداره مهاجرت سوئد
Mino Hemati interviewed Sahar Samet , journalist and women's rights advocate in Swedish Immigration Detention Center to be deported to Afghanistan, A country dangerous for journalist and women's rights activists.
This program was broadcast towards Iran, Middle East, Europe 

and North America via Channel One Farsi TV station

English transcript of the interview

In recent times, criminals have continued their inhuman manner and news will be unknown without promising journalists. Whenever, a worker buried under collapsed in the mines and a woman is brutally murdered in the football stadium. Journalists broadcast voices and videos that stimulates the reaction of millions people around the world.
But when a journalist was persecuted or detained, his/her voice does not get a good echo. This time, Sahar Samet, a women rights activist and journalist, was arrested along with his father by Swedish government that expected to be deported to Afghanistan, the country well-known for its women rights violations led by Islamic extremist groups.

We have managed an interview with Sahar Samet from inside Swedish Immigration Court detention.

-Hi Dear Sahar, could you please explain how, why you were arrested and by whom?
Hi dear Mino, we have been arrested and taken to temporary detention by four Swedish armed officials at our house about 18:30 PM on 24 Feb 2015. We applied for asylum to Swedish Immigration office about four years ago, but they have turned a blind eye on all the evident documents which proves  that our life would be at great risk. We have faced problem due to “Incorrect Translation by their translators”, “Swedish Immigration Office Ignorance” and “Unawareness of Socio-Eco-Political condition in Afghanistan by Public Lawyer of Swedish Immigration Office”…
As you said, I have had various activity, and I was the voice of people. But they have told us that we decided the decision since 2012, and you have to leave Sweden.
Before that, I had met with Swedish police. I did submitted to them all of my “Justified Documents” to reassess and review my case. I had an appointment with Swedish Immigration officials, Wednesday in last week. Despite of those meeting, Swedish police called and asked me to go to the police station along with my father. They want us to present ourselves on weekly basis as a criminal. While  I am living legally in this country. And I have legal permission to live in the country till the Immigration Court decision to be met. But, they have had an inhuman attitude, and we were persecuted. They had transferred us to solitary confinement for a night and our personal belongings as cell phone were seized. They had imprisoned us in the confinement which were cold, though, we had no food about 17-18 hours. We had to ask for permission to go to the toilet or to drink some water. 
After a while, they had transferred us to “Kållered” detention in Gothenburg city. We are kept here for the verdict, and we will be deport both of us to Afghanistan without any reason as they have told us.

We have had trouble with one of the political parties in Afghanistan. It has been linked to my father activities that had forced us to leave our country. Then, I have started my open and public activities since two years ago. As a result, I am more famous at this time, and we were threatened through “Black Messages” that you will die if you come back to Afghanistan. We are at serious risk, and our life is in Swedish government hands. My father, Assadollah Samet, also have had fundamental criticism against extremist groups that have committed crime in the name of religion and culture.

I have written in several weblogs. Especially, our life also is at serious risk of all support and protection by Human Rights activists and organizations through the petitions, reports, news are done. The enemies know where we are right now and they can easily schedule to kill us.

- In the end, what is your message for international authorities, Human and Women Rights activists?
Thank you so much dear Mino. I impotently demand all Human Rights activists and organizations to support us to stay here.
I draw your attention to the recent events in Afghanistan as rape and violations against women. A girl was kidnaped and raped by the passengers of a government car from the university, after a while, she was forced to refuse the event through a vocal message by Medias.

-I have to inform you that extensive support has begun in the social networks to protect you and your father. We also follow your critical condition.

I would like to take up this opportunity to thank you and all people who follow Human Rights issues in the world. I and my father again thank you and those people who are in our side.

بررسی پس لرزه های حمله تروریسم اسلامی به دفتر شارلی ابدو میپردازد Aftermath of Charlie Hebdo Massacre

مینو همتی در کفتگو با ثریا شهابی
 به بررسی پس لرزه های حمله تروریسم اسلامی به دفتر شارلی ابدو میپردازد
Mino Hemati interviews Soraya Shahabi
 on Aftermath of Charlie Hebdo Massacre.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

منتخبی از گزارش تصویری کنفراس "خاتمه دادن به ختنه دختران End FGM Conference in London

بمناسبت روز جهانی مبارزه علیه ختنه دختران، از آرشیو برنامه تلویزیونی رهائی
منتخبی از گزارش تصویری کنفراس  "خاتمه دادن به ختنه دختران"
در روز 28 فوریه 2013 در شهر لندن  انگلستان کنفراس بزرگی از طرف سازمان دفاع از حقوق زنان ایرانی و کرد (IKWRO) با همکاری سازمان  forward  برگزار شد. در این کنفرانس حدود 300 نفر شرکت داشتند و 19 سخنران در زمینه های مختلف راجع به مساله "خاتمه دادن به ختنه دختران" سخنرانی کردند
In honor of the International Day to End FGM,
 from the Archive of RahaiZan TV Program:
A reportage from End FGM Conference London 2013.
:سخنرانان در این کنفرانس عبارت بودند از
Jane Ellison نماینده پارلمان از انگلستان، پرفسور Lisa Avalos محقق از دانشگاه جرجی تاون واشنگتن دی سی، دکتر Els Leye محقق از دانشگاه جنت بلژیک، Anne-Marie Hutchinson وکیل و متخصص در مسایل حقوق خانواده، Efua Dorkenoo رئیس برنامه ختنه زنان در سازمان "برابری هم اکنون"، Fadela Novak نماینده سازمان ملل در اروپا، Debora Singer از بخش تحقیقات و خط مشی سازمان کمک به پناهندگان در انگلستان، Rosalind Bragg مدیر سازمان خیریه در باره بارداری و زایمان، Jane Hobson مشاور پیشرفت های اجتماعی بویژه در زمینه ختنه زنان، Jane Miller از سازمان اهداف توسعه هزاره، مدیر بخش مناطق آفریقایی در رابطه با بهداشت و آموزش، Hannah Bucklay  از وزارت کشور انگلستان، Arvid Vormann هماهنگ کننده پروژه Wadi، Naana Otoo-Oyortay مدیر اجرایی سازمان Forward، Diana Nammi رئیس سازمان دفاع از حقوق زنان ایرانی و کرد، Layla Ismail  نماینده سازمان فوروارد از شهر بریستول انگلستان، Shukri Abdulkadir مسئول پروژه جوانان سومالی در هلند، Eva Kultus  مدیر خانه امن papatya  در برلین ، Mino Hemati  رئیس سازمان رهایی زن،
Sioned Churchill از سازمان تراست لندن، دکتر Sohier Elneil  ودیر سازمانی فوروارد، Tess Woodcraft مدیر سازمانی IKWRO

English Transcript of the interviews:
Conference FGM - London, February 2013
Transcript of Interviews conducted by Mino Hemati, for Farsi Satellite TV Program RahaiZan.

Q: Would you kindly introduce yourself and your organization?
A: My name is Fadela Novak I work for the UN refugee agency UNHCR, with the bureau for Europe, covering Northern Western Europe basically, and I’m a focal point for gender issues including sexual and gender based violence.
Q: Would you please let our viewers know, what brings you to this conference?
A: As I just said, as a focal point for sexual and gender based violence in the asylum system in Europe, I have been brought to look at FGM, given the growing interest at the policy and legal framing in Europe of this issue. And it was really important to make sure that refugee women and girls were fully taken into account as part of the policy consideration, the legal framework developments and all of the discussions we are having at the moment in Europe, and this was a unique opportunity to share with this audience a report that has just come out on FGM and the asylum system, providing unique statistical data and evidence on the prevalence of FGM in the asylum system of the EU.
Q: What would be your message for our Farsi speaking viewers?
A: For Farsi speakers, a main message is very much the need for us to think about how to better tailor our responses to FGM, in order to reach the various cultural backgrounds of the specific communities that we have to focus on, in order to achieve the abandonment of the practice of FGM, and in order to raise the awareness of the abuse of the human rights, and the abuse of women and girls’ rights that this practice entails. Now we do have to work in a very culturally appropriate and tailored way, and I do hope that the data we have brought today will help with that.
Q: Would you kindly introduce yourself and your organization?
A: My name is Efua Dorkenoo, I work with equality now which is a global women’s human rights organization
Q: Would you please let our viewers know, what brings you to this conference?
A: In terms of this conference, it is on FGM and I am one of the world experts on it, so I came mainly as part of the process of trying to stop genital mutilation. I gave a paper on it.
My paper looked at the data, in terms of the distribution of the problem. How big is the problem for us in the UK, also in Africa, and parts of the Middle East?  Female genital mutilation is a human rights issue, and everybody needs to have an awareness of it, and take a strong stance against it. Try to know more about it, and look at how best we can all work together to stop it.
Q: What would be your message for our Farsi speaking viewers?
A: Yes it’s something which touches everybody deeply. It’s a crime against the little girls, it touches people deeply. And everybody wants to do something about it. But I’ve been working on it for about 30 years now. It was very difficult 30 years ago to talk about it, because it has to do with the control of the woman’s sexuality. And therefore it’s very difficult for people to discuss it, because when you are really delving into it, you are talking about how women are controlled in specific cultures. So I think now, after all this work with United Nations and everything, it is easier to talk about and discuss and see what we can do about it. So everybody wants to get involved in it.

Q: Would you kindly introduce yourself and your organization?
A: My name is John Hall, I coordinate the all-party parliamentary group on FGM in the UK Parliament, and that’s why I am here today.
Q: Would you please let our viewers know, what brings you to this conference?
A: Well the conference today is very interesting, it has a lot of input from other European countries from African countries, and we are here to learn best practice from those countries on how to tackle FGM. I am here representing the parliamentary group which represents over 50 mps and lords from the UK parliament. And today has been a very useful day in terms of learning lessons, what works and what doesn’t in other countries.
Q: What would be your message for our Farsi speaking viewers?
A: The message to your Farsi viewers is that FGM is a crime, it’s a human rights abuse that blights the lives of millions of girls and women all across the world. In the Farsi speaking world, the English speaking world, the French speaking world, all across the world. And it is time that everyone pulls together and does what they can to consign this terrible practice to the history books. It’s time to end FGM forever. 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

!ما همه چارلی هستیم We are all CHARLIE

!ما همه چارلی هستیم
گفتگوی مینو همتی با عزت ملکی فعال سیاسی مقیم فرانسه پیرامون حمله تروریستهای اسلامی به کارکنان مجله فکاهی شارلی ابدو
این برنامه در روز 16 ژانویه در برنامه رهائی زن از کانال یک ماهواره بسوی 
ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید
We are all CHARLIE!
Interview with Ezat Malaky
The script version of Mino Hemati’s TV interview with Ezat Malaky regarding the recent events in Paris prepared for the TV program of Rahai Zan in Farsi Satellite Station Channel One
Introduction: The world is once again witnessing crime against humanity.  The followers of Islamic State and Al-Qaida in France targeted the heart of freedom of speech and expression through an armed attack over the employees of a comic magazine, killed 12 people including 2 police officers securing the building.
The terrorists were killed the next day and the French society unanimously condemned the barbaric and criminal action of the Islamists.  The Islamic terrorists were condemned not only by the secular society of France, but by the Muslims who are against terrorism and showed solidarity in the massive demonstration in which millions of people participated on Sunday in the center of Paris.
In our program tonight, we feel sympathy and express our condolences to the families of victims of terrorist atrocities in France and to review closely the events there, we speak with a political activist living in France.
Ezat Malaky, welcome to the TV program of Rahai Zan
Mino Hemati: First of all, what do you remember from the day of the terrorist attack against the staff of the comic magazine “Charlie Hebdo?”
Ezat Malaky: Hello to you and your viewers.  On Wednesday, January seventh before noon, two Islamist terrorist brothers named Said and Charif Kouachi, attacked the building of the comic magazine, Charlie Hebdo, with weapons such as AK-47, RPG and Kalashnikov and killed dozens of people, including four prominent caricaturists and the leftist popular chief editor, Stephane Charbonnier, by the pen name Charb.  The terrorists after their criminal operation were hiding in a print house near Paris where the following day they were killed by police.  On Wednesday and Thursday nights tens of thousands of Parisians gathered in the Republic Square to commemorate the victims and for supporting unconditional freedom of speech and expression.
Yesterday, a spokesman for the Yemeni al-Qaeda said they were responsible for these crimes.  Both terrorist brothers had been trained in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, but Ahmedy Coulibaly and his wife, Hayat Boumeddiene were among the IS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.  Last week after the events, Hayat Boumeddiene, flew to Turkey, from there she rejoined the IS in Syria.  (Despite disclosure of Hayat Boumeddiene’s identification via the media worldwide when the terrorist operations were still continued, The Islamic government of Turkey, which has been clearly supporting IS militarily and logistically in Syria and Iraq, easily granted permission to her to arrive in Turkey’s airport and then she crossed the border to rejoin IS. Tayyip Erdogan, the Islamist president of Turkey, in a deceitful and demagogic speech accused Israeli and the Western States for collaboration with the terrorists’ acts and being behind the assassination of the Cartoonists of the Charlie Hebdo in order to blame Islam!)
Mino Hemati: The second terrorist act occurred in a Jewish Kocher grocery store where four people were killed.  Does not this action jeopardize the French Jewish community already threatened by the Ultra Rights and Islamist extremists in France?
Ezat Malaky: In the afternoon of the same day, another Islamic terrorist called
Ahmedy Coulibaly targeted a Jewish Kocher grocery store and killed 4 people there, in coordination with the two terrorists responsible for atrocity crimes on Charlie Hebdo, apparently for distracting the police.
The French Jewish community have been targeted only by the Islamists over the last few years and several Jewish employees have been killed and subjected to several terrorist attacks in places like Jewish museum, library or schools in France and Belgium.  The Islamic terrorist war against the French Jewish community, only restores more revulsions to the Islamists terrorists in France and around the world.  These terrorists relate their atrocities towards ordinary Jewish people in Europe to the problems of Israel and Palestine, but the people of France and Europe know these criminals have nothing to do with the sufferings of the Palestinian people who have been mass murdered and displaced by the Israeli criminal government and army for over sixty years.  The French Jewish community are also aware of the political manipulations of the Jewish and Christian rightwing movements.  The day after multi-million demonstrations in Paris, Netanyahu entered a synagogue where ceremonies held for remembering the Jews killed in the grocery store, and in a speech he asked the French Jews to settle to Israel.   In return, all the present members of the synagogue, responded to Netanyahu’s hypocrisy by unanimously singing the nation anthem of France!
Mino Hemati: The public reaction to the atrocities in the forms of continuous rallies under the slogan “I am Charlie” was broadcasted worldwide.  What is your personal perspective and observations about these kinds of social mobility?
Ezat Malaky:As I explained, the same day of the criminal attacks of the Islamist terrorists, and the days after, Tens of Thousands of people in Paris rallied in the Republic Square, despite and fearless of the continuing acts of terrorism, supporting and protecting freedom of expression and commemorated the popular cartoonists and other victims.  On Sunday, January 11th, more than two million people participated in a march to the Republic Square in Paris carrying slogans like “Supporting unconditional freedom of speech and expression,” “Control and Chain the Religions,” “We are all Charlie,” “They killed 17 people but injured and hurt millions!”
Meanwhile, the anti-freedom leaders of rightwing political parties and the State terrorist rulers and propagandists of 40 countries participated to distort the event to their own interests!  The rulers who directly involve in the production and development of worldwide terrorism movement.  In this case, one of the satire artist survivor in an interview with Le Monde said: We had never dreamed one day the Notre Dame Cathedral bell rings to remember Charlie Hebdo!   Another French Journalist, Zineb El Rhazoui said: I wish there were that much support for them when they were alive.  They would have been alive if they had enjoyed such support before.  Anytime the terrorists attacked us, they would say “that is your fault!”
Charlie Hebdo is one of the unique satirical, cultural, political, and social media in the West where the media gangsters and opportunist journalists are dominant and every day they produce cultural and political forgeries to brainwash people and engineer their thoughts to maintain the status quo!  Charlie Hebdo bitterly and sarcastically enlightens the roots of the social problems.  That’s why people must appreciate rare media like Charlie Hebdo.
Mino Hemati: What is the results of the debate on the Islamists recruitments in France?  Do they discuss the root of social problems; the history of the struggle against Islamic violent movement dates back to what year?
Ezat Malaky: French people like people all over the world have different political tendencies and variety of the media, governments and political parties have significant impact in shaping people’s tendencies and their political trends.  Regarding the Islamist recruitment, the government of France and all Western States have been directly involving in emerging, reproducing and enrolling the Islamists over eighty years to fight communism.  Furthermore, the Western States, for dividing society to different religions, cultures, and races have created reactionary institutes like multiculturalism and cultural relativism and they allocate billions of dollars annually to these anti-humanity institutes to spend on building religious schools, masques and other religious institutes.  It is interesting to know these Islamist terrorists have been always zoomed and exaggerated by the Western States and their media.  Anyone migrates to the West from the Islam stricken countries, based on the official statistics, he/she is labeled Muslim, even if they are atheists, socialists and communists, let alone those millions seculars who do not practice Islam at all!  The French politicians and their pundit media contemplates the Muslim population of the country to be five million!  Anytime the Islamists have been gathering to make political rallies in Paris, they had not been able to mobilize more than few hundred, even though several of them had been travelling from London or other European cities to Paris!  Now you compare this number with the claimed five million population of Muslims in France!  With this bogus statics, the anti-life Islamist fascists feel powerful to defy society and very often organize offensive attacks. 
I can say after the seizure of the Iranian Revolution which was a revolution for freedom and egalitarian society and anti-despotism anti-monarchism in nature and concept, by the Iranian Islamic fascists in 1979, they promote and institutionalized terrorism around the world.  The Islamic Republic of Iran killed over hundred thousand of the Iranian revolutionary egalitarians and socialists and freedom lovers during the first decade of its power seizure.  All those crimes were compromised by so called the world community and the Western States and media were silent about the state terrorism of the Islamic Republic, either inside Iran or abroad.  Furthermore, the investment on the Islamic gangs and mafia groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Islamic stricken countries by the Western States, and especially by the notorious criminal intelligence services like English Scotland Yard and American CIA to fight the rival Eastern Bloc, have helped recreating, recruiting and empowering these criminals. 
Mino Hemati: Thanks for sharing your thoughts with viewers

Ezat Malaky: Thank you for your invitation and good luck!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

اشتوتگارت - در حمایت از مردم کوبانی in support of people of Kobane

اشتوتگارت - در حمایت از مردم کوبانی
گزارش تصویری شراره رضائی از آکسیون حمایت از مردم کوبانی.
این گزارش تصویری در برنامه رهائی از از کانال یک ماهواره به سوی ایران، خاورمیانه، اروپا و آمریکای شمالی پخش گردید.

Sharareh Rezaei's Reportage from action in support of people of Kobane, in Stuttgart Germany for Rahaizan TV Program..