مصاحبه مينوهمتي با کاوه عباسيان سخنگوي دانشجويان آزاديخواه و برابري طلب، ويژه جمعبندي از١٦آذر Mino Hemati interviews Kaveh Abbasian spoke person of Azadikhah va Barabaritalab Students, We hear his analysis of student movement in Iran.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Immigrant women and the question of divorce in Sweden By Rahai Zan
برنامه ويژه گزيده اي از سمينار رهائي زن "زنان مهاجرين و معضل طلاق در سوئد" که توسط سازمان رهائي زن در گوتنبرگ سوئد برگزارشد RahaiZan TV, Mino Hemati special program on Immigrant women and the question of divorce in Sweden By Rahai Zan in Gothenburg-Sweden
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Reza Alinejad in death row in Adelabad
١٧ سالگي مرتکب شده است Mino Hemati interviews Reza Alinejad in death row in Adelabad prison in Shiraz. According to Reza he arrested for accidental death (in self defence) of another young when he was 17 years of age. He is sentenced to death by Islamic court in Iran. His family is asking for help to pay the family of the victom to lift the death sentence from Reza. Please help the family: Address of owner: Iran - Fars - Fasa - Kamala Ave - Allay 578 - No 41 Account No.: 0101245977005 Account type: Siba (ATM) Bank name: Bank Melli Iran (BMI) Branch No. (Fasa): 7381 Bank address: Imam Khomeini street, at Melli Shoe three road, Central BMI, Iran, Fars, Fasa,
Houzan Mahmoud about the polygamy law in Kurdistan of Iraq
مصاحبه مينوهمتي با هوزان محمود پيرامون تصويب قانون تعددزوجات در کردستان عراق RahaiZan TV anchor Mino Hemati interviews Houzan Mahmoud about the polygamy law in Kurdistan of Iraq.
Azad Zamani about child execution by Islamic Regime
مصاحبه مينوهمتي با آزاد زماني پيرامون اعدام نوجوانان در ايران و بطور ويژه اقدامات پيرامون پرونده رضا علي نژاد Mino Hemati interviews Azad Zamani about child execution by Islamic Regime in general and about Reza Alinejad's death sentence in particular.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mino Hemati reporting from student movement, in Iran
مينوهمتي پيرامون وضعيت جنبش دانشجوئي بنقل از بهروز کريمي زاده و کاوه عباسيان Mino Hemati reporting from student movement, in Iran
about the honor killing in Mahabad
مصاحبه مينوهمتي با علي دارابي پيرامون قتل ناموسي در مهاباد Rahai Zan TV Anchor Mino Hemati interviews Ali Darabi, about the honor killing in Mahabad
Fatemeh Tavakkoly an asylum seeker in Turkey
Mino Hemati Rahai Zan TV Anchor Interviews Fatemeh Tavakkoly an asylum seeker in Turkey. Fatemeh explains about the plight of the asylum seeker especially women from Iran. مصاحبه مينو همتي با فاطمه توکلي پناهجو در ترکيه پيرامون وضعيت ناگوار پناهجويان و بخصوص زنان پناهجوي ايراني
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Reza Hejazi 20 years old was executed by Islamic Criminal Regime
مينو همتي: در يادبود وحيدصادقي و رضاحجازي، دادگاههاي وجدان بيدار را تشکيل دهيم Mino Hemati (Rahai Zan TV Anchor/Producer):Reza Hejazi 20 years old was executed by Islamic Criminal Regime. Let’s setup court of conscious in each household and condemn barbaric Islamic law (an eye for an eye) and those carry it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Rez Hejazi's Brother about the news
مصاحبه مینوهمتی باحسین حجازی برادر رضاحجازی- نوجوانی دیگر در معرض اعدام Mino Hemati Interviews, Reza Hejazi's Brother about the news that: Reza Hejazi has been scheduled for execution by hanging in Esfahan prison on 19 August at 4am. He was transferred to a cell in Esfahan prison where people are usually held for execution within 24 hours, according to his family. His lawyer was not informed that his execution was to be carried out, though under Iranian law a 48 hour notification period is required. http://wwww.Rahai-zan.org http://mostafaei.blogfa.com/post-46.aspx
Reza Hejazi has been scheduled for execution
مصاحبه مینوهمتی با آقای مصطفائی وکیل مدافع رضاحجازی- نوجوانی دیگر در معرض اعدام Min Hemati Interviews, Mr. Mostafaee, Reza Hejazi's Lawyer: Reza Hejazi has been scheduled for execution by hanging in Esfahan prison on 19 August at 4am. He was transferred to a cell in Esfahan prison where people are usually held for execution within 24 hours, according to his family. His lawyer was not informed that his execution was to be carried out, though under Iranian law a 48 hour notification period is required. http://mostafaei.blogfa.com/post-46.aspx Http://www.Rahai-zan.org
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Leila Qaraee producer of Voice of women a Farsi
مينو همتي: مصاحبه اختصاصي با ليلا قرائي مدير مسئول راديو صداي زنان در استکهلم Rahai Zan TV Producer Mino Hemati interviews Leila Qaraee producer of Voice of women a Farsi Radio program in Stockholm.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
forced Hejab and Emanicipation of women movement
جنبش رهائي زن و مسئله حجاب اجباري، مصاحبه مينوهمتي با ثريا شهابي دبيراول کودکان Mino Hemati Interviews Soraya Shahabi on the Issue of forced Hejab and Emanicipation of women movement.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Khalil Bahramian defense lawyer of Farzad Kamangar
Mino Hemati Interviews Mr. Khalil Bahramian defense lawyer of Farzad Kamangar (young Teacher sentenced to death by Islamic Court in Iran) Along with Interview with Reza Kamangar Human Rights Activist in Finland. مصاحبه با آقاي خليل بهراميان وکيل مدافع فرزادکمانگر بهمراه گفتگو رضاکمانگر فعال حقوق بشر و تلاشگر نجات جان فرزاد در اروپا
Friday, April 25, 2008
TV Round Table, women's unpaid labor
Mino Hemati Interviews two labor activist MS. Farkhondeh Ashena and Mr. Borhan Divargar in Rahai Zan TV Round Table, women's unpaid labor at home and contract work is discussed. ميزگرد رهائي زن بمناسبت اول ماه مه روزجهاني کارگر گفتگوي مينوهمتي با دو تن از فعالين کارگري فرخنده آشنا و برهان ديوارگر، پيرامون مسائل و معضلات زنان در قبال کارخانگي و کار توليدي
Monday, April 7, 2008
Interviews Mr. Mehdi Kouhestani
مصاحبه مينو همتي با آقاي مهدي کوهستاني مسئول بخش خاورميانه و آسيا در کنگره کار کانادا در مورد حمايت اتحاديه بين المللي حمل نقل از مبارزات کارگران براي تشکيل نهادهاي مستقل کارگري و همچنين اعلام همبستگي کارگران در ٤٣ کشور از محمودصالحي و منصوراسانلو Rahai Zan TV Producer / Anchor Mino Hemati Interviews Mr. Mehdi Kouhestani about international labour solidarity with workers in Iran and day of action to free Mahmoud Salehi & Mansour Osanloo.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Interviews AliceSchwarzer
Rahai Zan TV Anchor/ Producer Mino Hemati interviews Alice Schwarzer the famous advocate of women's rights in international arena. The Emancipation of women's movement from the birth of Islamic reaction rule since 1979 is discussed. (The interview is done in Hamburg Germany via Persian interpreter) http://www.Rahai-Zan.tv مصاحبه مينو همتي با آليس شوارتسر فعال سرشناس حقوق زنان، دراين گفتگو ابعاد گوناگون جنبش رهائي زن در ايران از بدو قدرتگيري ارتجاع مذهبي در ايران به بحث گذاشته ميشود.
March 8th 2008 special program, Exclusive interview with Alice Schwarzer
٢٠٠٨ صده روزجهاني زن را تقديم جنبش رهائي زن مينمايد Rahai Zan TV Anchor Mino Hemati presents March 8th 2008 special program.
Exclusive interview with Alice Schwarzer.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Women's Day March 8th Centennial
مصاحبه مينو همتي با ثرياشهابي پيرامون صدمين سالگرد ٨مارس روز جهاني زن (پخش از برنامه رهائي زن از کانال يک ماهواره) Rahai Zan TV, Mino Hemati interviews Soraya Shahabi about International Women's Day March 8th Centennial. Broadcasted from Channel One Sattelite TV.
Parvaneh Osanlou Najibeh Salehi and Mohmmad Sharif
مصاحبه مينو همتي با پروانه اسانلو، نجيبه صالحي و محمد شريف پيرامون اعلام ٦ مارس روز همبستگي با منصوراسانلو و محمود صالحي از طرف اتحاديه بين المللي کارگران حمل ونقل در سراسر جهان، در اين مصاحبه همسران کارگران دربند از مبارزات جاري براي رهائي دانشجويان دربند نيز اعلام پشتيباني کردند Rahai Zan Tv Anchor, Mino Hemati Interviews Parvaneh Osanlou, Najibeh Salehi and Mohmmad Sharif about Day of Solidarity with detained workers & union activists in Iran declared by ITF.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Solidarity actions in Europe, USA and Canada
مينوهمتي از آکسيونهاي حمايتي روز ١٦ فوريه در اروپا، آمريکا و کانادا براي همبستگي با دانشجويان دربند رژيم اسلامي گزارش ميدهد، همچنين گزارش مصوري از تظاهرات دانشجويان دانشگاه شيراز ارائه گرديدMino Hemati Rahai Zan TV Anchor reports on the Solidarity actions in Europe, USA and Canada for demanding the immediate release of all detained students in Iran. Along with a video clip of Student Protest in Shiraz University Please Sign the Petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/101207/
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Mazdak in New York and Jaleh Denmark student
مصاحبه مينوهمتي بادو دانشجو، مزدک در نيويورک و ژاله در دانمارک، پيرامون تدارک آکسيونهاي حمايتي روز ١٦ فوريه براي همبستگي با دانشجويان دربند رژيم اسلامي Rahai Zan TV Anchor Mino Hemati, interviews Mazdak in New York and Jaleh Denmark, about preparation for Feb. 16th day of Solidarity, with detained and tortures students in Islamic Regime of Iran's prisons. Please Sign the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/101207/
Friday, February 8, 2008
Esfandiyar Monfaredzadeh and Mery Apik, Marivan
در مصاحبه با مينوهمتي- رهائي زن اسفنديار منفردزاده و همچنين مري آپيک مردم را دعوت به مبارزه براي آزادي دانشجويان دربند مينمايند اگر نميتوانيد در آکسيونها شرکت کنيد، ميتوانيد طومار را امضا کنيد! http://www.petitiononline.com/101207/petition.html
Monday, February 4, 2008
Kaveh Abbasian and Raana karimi
مصاحبه مينو همتي باکاوه عباسيان سخنگوي دانشجويان آزاديخواه و برابري طلب و رعنا کريم زاده فعال رهائي زن و حقوق بشر در مورد وضعيت دانشجويان دربند اگر نميتوانيد در آکسيونها شرکت کنيد، ميتوانيد طومار را امضا کنيد http://www.petitiononline.com/101207/petition.html
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Mino Hemati: Paul McCartney signs the petition to release students in Iranحمايت پال مک کارتني از
Hope of Deliverance by Paul McCartney!. Campaign to free all detained student activists in Iran. In a week long petition stand in front of Amnesty International London office, Nasrin Parvaz (former tortured prisoner, and human rights activist) and Diba Ali Khani; women rights activist; asked people and organizations to sign the petition to force Islamic regime to stop torturing the detained students and release them immediately. Paul McCartney was among them. Mino Hemati broadcast this clip via satellite in her weekly TV program Rahai Zan from Farsi Channel One. Please sign the online petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/101207/petition.html Visit http://www.Rahai-Zan.tv
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Amnesty International London office Nasrin Parvaz
مصاحبه مينو همتي با سازماندگان کمپين رهائي دانشجويان از زنپانهاي رژيم اسلامي نسرين پرواز و ديبا عليخاني در مقابل دفتر عقوبين الملل لندن و حمايت مردم و از جمله پال مک کارتني از دانشجويان دربند رژيم اسلامي Campaign to free all detained student activists in Iran. In a week long petition stand in front of Amnesty International London office, Nasrin Parvaz (former tortured prisoner, and human rights activist) and Diba Ali Khani; women rights activist; asked people and organizations to sign the petition to force Islamic regime to stop torturing the detained students and release them immediately. Paul McCartney was among them. Mino Hemati broadcast this clip via satellite in her weekly TV program Rahai Zan from Farsi Channel One. Please sign the online petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/101207/petition.html Visit http://www.Rahai-Zan.tv
Saturday, January 12, 2008
DAB Students Islamic Prison of Iran
مصاحبه مينو همتي با آقاي صادقي دانشجوي مبارز و آزاد زماني فعال حقوق بشر در مورد وضعيت دانشجويان دربند
Friday, January 4, 2008
Interviews Normandi and Zarafshan
مصاحبه مينو همتي با آقاي ناصر زرافشان وکيل دانشجويان دربند و همچنين مصاحبه با آقاي نرمندي هنرمند عکاس مدافع حقوق بشر
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