Friday, October 18, 2024

بیانیه پناهجویان ایرانی در مالزی

 Statement of the September 2024 protest gathering of Iranian refugees in Malaysia

 بیانیه پناهجویان ایرانی در مالزی

Statement of the September 2024 protest gathering of Iranian refugees in Malaysia

Today, Iranian refugees are standing in front of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to claim their basic rights.
We have gathered in Malaysia to celebrate the second anniversary of the liberation uprising of the oppressed people of Iran (Women-Life-Freedom), which was called "Mehsa".
Amini is known and honored all over the world.
We have come today to raise our voice to the free world, respected Malaysian authorities and Mr. "Thomas Albrich" let's deliver
What is this policy that UN Malaysia has closed its eyes to the ruined lives of Iranian refugees? Is there any interest in this
Is there an order?
UN of Malaysia rejected women due to lack of scientific management and without knowledge of the real political and social conditions of Iran
Iranians from single women to single mothers are victims of domestic violence. This is despite the fact that every week there is less than one young woman or girl
Iranian age is murdered by his relatives in our homeland and the anti-people government of Tehran leaves these murderers unpunished.
The Islamic Republic, which has taken Iran hostage, has the highest number of executions in the world.
The false anti-Islamic republic by arresting and killing intellectuals, religious dissidents, political activists, unions and students
And rainbow communities are the biggest enemy of Iranian people.
The republic of terror, torture and killing has not spared the freedom seekers fleeing the country either.
Sending assassination teams and hiring lampoons in the host countries of the fighters has been proven to assassinate opponents of the Tehran regime
in today's world.
But the UN of Malaysia lacks any understanding of the political and social conditions of Iran and has a smoky lens that only the refugees of the countries
He can see the war with it.
Mr. Albrich, the war in my country has been going on for more than 45 years between the people who are killed every day at home and on the streets by agents of the Tehran regime.
They are killed and a regime that acts only in the direction of looting and destroying Iran has started.

Why we protest:
Ladies and gentlemen, basic human rights are the only words used in the correspondence of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
is not
_ We Iranian refugees have taken shelter to the UN based on Article 14 of the Universal Charter of Human Rights... but our share is that of Iranian refugees.
Discrimination and forgetting has been 6 years.
_ We strongly object to the non-compliance with the basic principles of resettlement in the case of Iranian refugees.
While the Malaysian Yuan has constantly put 4 conditions as its excuse for the resettlement of Iranian refugees
Refugees of other nationalities with good conditions, perfect health, good income and life without problems as people of harm
Acceptable sends.
We go to the " RSTUN " We object:
How does he identify a lonely and damaged mother or a refugee in danger without having a relationship with the Iranian refugee community?
A vulnerable family must stay here for years and decades, and similar people from other nationalities in less than 4-5 years.
Go to a third country?
We want to carefully handle the cases of Iranian refugees in Malaysia, considering the average stay of 12 years.
85% of Iranian refugees (acceptance card holders) have been left undecided in Malaysia for more than 11 years. illness, unemployment,
Lack of education for children and effort for families. These are the result of the " UN Malaysia" For us few refugees
He was and is Iranian.
Mr. Albrich
We consider you and your imprudence to be the main cause of the destruction of our lives and that of our children.

We, the members of the community of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers, ask the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:

1- The legal rights of refugees (provided in Article 14 of the Universal Charter of Human Rights) boycott the cases of Iranian refugees.
10 to 16 years, after many years of illegal suspension, like other nationalities, until a 6-year suspension before 2024, maybe
be compensated
2- Refugees with special conditions such as patients, single women, political activists and threatened human rights, and families without
Pay attention to the possibility of providing a living as soon as possible for sending to a third country.
3- To remove the conditions for the elimination of hardships for subsistence and medicinal and medical aid for Iranian refugees, so that they can be treated like other nationalities.
be supported by charitable organizations.
4- Fixing the problem of children's education, which has been a promise of the UN for many years, but nothing has been opened.
We, the Iranian refugees living in Malaysia, are trying to make our voices heard clearly and explicitly by the High Commissioner Organization
Refugees of the Office of Malaysia and His Majesty's Government of Malaysia and all international human rights organizations, and we all save them from this.
The situation is dire, we ask for help and we ask for help for resettlement in a third country.

The community of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia

برنامه اقدام مشترک تشکل های مستقل زنان بمناسبت دومین سالگرد مهسا

بخش اول - هنر اعتراضی

Collective Action of Indep. Iranian Women

 بخش دوم مبحث نابرابری جنسیتی

Collective Action of Indep. Iranian Women

 for Mahsa 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024

پاسخ گلرخ ایرایی زندانی سیاسی به نامه فائزه هاشمی

Political prisoner Golrokh Irai's answer to Faezeh Hashemi's letter

پاسخ گلرخ ایرایی زندانی سیاسی به نامه فائزه هاشمی 

آکسیون کانون همبستگی با مبارزات انقلابی مردم ایران - گوتنبرگ

 آکسیون کانون همبستگی با مبارزات انقلابی مردم ایران - گوتنبرگ

بمناسبت دومین سالگرد قتل عمد حکومتی مهسا (ژینا) امینی و در ادامه جنبش 
"زن زندگی ازادی"

جلسه بحث آزاد زنان کنشگران ایرانی در برلین بمناسبت دوساله شدن خیزش انقلابی ژن.ژیان.آزادی

On the occasion of the two-year anniversary of the revolutionary uprising of Gen. Zhian. Azadi

گزارشی به روایت تصویر از  جلسه بحث آزاد زنان کنشگران ایرانی در برلین بمناسبت دوساله شدن خیزش انقلابی ژن.ژیان.آزادی. این برنامه در تاریخ ۶ سپتامبر در یکی از سالن های بنیاد رزالوکزامبورگ برگزار شد.

در این جلسه به اشکال مختلف مقاومت زنان، به سه شنبه های نه به اعدام که وارد سی و دومین هفته اعتراضی اش شده،  به مقاومت و مبارزه زنان به حاشیه رانده شده و به ضرورت ایجاد روابط و شبکه برای ادامه مبارزه و حمایت از خیزش انقلابی #ژن_ژیان_ئازادی،  نه صرفا از کنشگران ایرانی بلکه با زنان افغانستان و بویژه خاورمیانه در دیاسپورا تاکید شد.


آسیب شناسی خیزش انقلابی زن زندگی آزادی


بمناسبت دومین سالگرد قتل عمد حکومتی مهسا (ژینا) امینی


In memory of Mahsa Jina Amini   

بمناسبت دومین سالگرد قتل عمد حکومتی مهسا (ژینا) امینی

 در 20 سپتامبر از برنامه تلویزیونی رهائی زن از کانال یک بسوی ایران پخش گردید