Anti-death penalty marches were held with the participation of women's rights activists Today, the twenty-fourth of June, at the call of a group of organizations, organizations, parties and institutions, a rally against the death penalty was held in Berlin, like other countries in Europe, from five o'clock in the afternoon. In this gathering, in addition to the speeches, condemning and showing the crimes of the Islamic government in its forty-four years of rule and the crimes against humanity were expressed in Persian and German languages. Also, slogans were chanted against the execution and supporting the protests of the Iranian people and standing in the women's revolution, the life of freedom. Reportage by Sharara Rezaei
امروز بیست و چهار یونی به فراخوان جمعی از تشکل ها، سازمان ها، احزاب و نهادها تجمعی علیه اعدام در برلین همچون دیگر کشورها در اروپا از ساعت پنج بعدازظهر برگزار شد.
در این تجمع ضمن سخنرانی ها در محکوم کردن و نشان دادن جنایت های حکومت اسلامی در چهل و چهار سال حاکمیت ش و جنایت علیه بشریت را به زبان های فارسی و آلمانی بیان شد .
همچنین شعارهایی علیه اعدام و حمایت از اعتراضات مردم ایران و ایستادگی در انقلاب زن، زندگی آزادی سر داده شد.
Producer / Anchor: Mino Hemati