Mino Hemati interviews officer Abharian (one of officers in charge of Shahla Jahed's case), he states :"There are serious doubts in the case against Shahla Jahed"
آقاي ابهريان از افسران تحقيق در پرونده شهلا جاهد اظهار ميدارد، ابهامات جدي در پرونده وجود دارد
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
ابهامات موجود در پرونده شهلا جاهد بايد توقف اعدام بيانجامد. گفتگوي مينو همتي با آقاي محمد مصطفائي Mino Hemati Interviews Mostafaie about Shahla Jahed
ابهامات موجود در پرونده شهلا جاهد بايد توقف اعدام بيانجامد. گفتگوي مينو همتي با آقاي محمد مصطفائي وکيل دادگستري
Mino Hemati Interviews Mostafaie about Shahla Jahed
Mino Hemati Interviews Mostafaie about Shahla Jahed
Friday, June 4, 2010
نسرين پرواز در گفتگو با مينوهمتي از سفر ايتاليا و افشاگري از کارت سبز رژيم اسلامي و دول غربي سخن ميگويد
RahaiZan TV producer Mino Hemati interviews Nasrin Parvaz about her trip to Italy and the nature of the so called green movement in Iran.
نسرين پرواز در گفتگو با مينوهمتي از سفر ايتاليا و افشاگري از کارت سبز رژيم اسلامي و دول غربي سخن ميگويد
نسرين پرواز در گفتگو با مينوهمتي از سفر ايتاليا و افشاگري از کارت سبز رژيم اسلامي و دول غربي سخن ميگويد
Friday, May 28, 2010
فرهاد حاجي ميرزائي فعال حقوق کودکان و زنان، زنداني سياسي شکنجه گاههاي سنندج، اوين و رجائي شهر و همبندي تعدا Mino Hemati Interviews Farhad Haji Mirzaee
فرهاد حاجي ميرزائي فعال حقوق کودکان و زنان، زنداني سياسي شکنجه گاههاي سنندج، اوين و رجائي شهر و همبندي تعداد از عزيزان جانباخته، پس از گريز از چنگال رژيم اسلامي از پناهگاهي خارج از مرزهاي ايران با مينوهمتي به گفتگو مينشيند
Part1 Mino Hemati Interviews Farhad Haji Mirzaee
Part2 Mino Hemati Interviews Farhad Haji Mirzaee
Part1 Mino Hemati Interviews Farhad Haji Mirzaee
Part2 Mino Hemati Interviews Farhad Haji Mirzaee
اعتصاب پرشکوه مردم کردستان در اعتراض به اعدام زندانيان سياسي، گفتگوي مينوهمت Mino Hemati Interviews Azad Zamani effects of General Strike in Kurdistan
Mino Hemati Interviews Azad Zamani effects of General Strike in Kurdistan
اعتصاب پرشکوه مردم کردستان در اعتراض به اعدام زندانيان سياسي، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با آزاد زماني دبير انجمن دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و حقوق بشر ايران
اعتصاب پرشکوه مردم کردستان در اعتراض به اعدام زندانيان سياسي، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با آزاد زماني دبير انجمن دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و حقوق بشر ايران
جمعآوري دوميليون امضا براي لغو اعدام، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با صلاح ايراندوست مديرمسىئول ايران تريبون 2 Million signature to abolish death sentence
جمعآوري دوميليون امضا براي لغو اعدام، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با صلاح ايراندوست مديرمسىئول ايران تريبون
2 Million signature to abolish death sentence in Iran, an Interview with Salah Irandoost Editor of Iran-Tribune.com
2 Million signature to abolish death sentence in Iran, an Interview with Salah Irandoost Editor of Iran-Tribune.com
بيانيه رهائي زن عليه اعدام زندانيان سياسي فرزاد کمانگر
بيانيه رهائي زن عليه اعدام زندانيان سياسي فرزاد کمانگر، شيرين هولي، مهدي اسلاميان، فرهاد وکيلي و علي حيدريان و همچنين اعتراضات در خارج از کشور از جمله سخنراني جمال کمانگر در مقابل سفارت رزيم اسلامي در لندن و سخنان رضا کمانگر در مقابل سفارت رژيم در هلسينکي فنلاند
A wave of protest aginst execution of political prisoners in Iran
A wave of protest aginst execution of political prisoners in Iran
Friday, May 14, 2010
اعتصاب عمومي و يکپارچه مردم در کردستان و در اعتراض به اعدام عزيزان Mino Hemati Interviews Rahman Houseinzadeh about Genral Strike in Kurdistan of Iran
اعتصاب عمومي و يکپارچه مردم در کردستان و در اعتراض به اعدام عزيزانشان در زندانهاي رژيم اسلامي، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با رحمان حسين زاده دبير کميته کردستان حزب حکمتيست پيرامون ابعاد و دستآوردهاي اعتصاب يکپارچه ٢٣ ارديبهشت
Mino Hemati Interviews Rahman Houseinzadeh about Genral Strike in Kurdistan of Iran
نامه زنده ياد فرزاد کمانگر چندي قبل از اعدامش، خطاب به معلمان، همکاران و دانش آموزانش Mino Hemati recites Farzad Kamngar's Letter to Teachers
نامه زنده ياد فرزاد کمانگر چندي قبل از اعدامش، خطاب به معلمان، همکاران و دانش آموزانش
Mino Hemati recites Farzad Kamngar's Letter to Teachers before his execution in Evin prison May 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
گفتگوي مينوهمتي با رضاکمانگر فعال حقوق بشر درفنلاند، در پي اعدام پنج تن از زندانيان سياسي که چهارتن از مبارزين مت Mino Hemati Interviews Reza Kamangar
گفتگوي مينوهمتي با رضاکمانگر فعال حقوق بشر درفنلاند، در پي اعدام پنج تن از زندانيان سياسي که چهارتن از مبارزين متولد کردستان ميباشند شهرهاي اين استان ملتهب است و استقبال از فراخوان به اعتصاب عمومي روز پنج شنبه ٢٣ ارديبهشت دامنه اي بيسابقه گرفته است
Mino Hemati Interviews Reza Kamangar about General Strike in Kurdistan to protest execution of beloved teacher Farzad Kamnagr and other political prisoners.
گفتگوي مينوهمتي با آقاي خليل بهراميان وکيل مدافع فرزاد کمانگر، شيرين علم هولي و مهدي اسلاميان در مورد اعدام نا Mino Hemati interviews Khalil Bahramian
RahaiZan TV program via Channel One Satellite TV, Mino Hemati interviews Khalil Bahramian defense attorney of executed teacher activist Farzad Kamangar.
گفتگوي مينوهمتي با آقاي خليل بهراميان وکيل مدافع فرزاد کمانگر، شيرين علم هولي و مهدي اسلاميان در مورد اعدام نابهنگام فرزاد و ديگر موکلينشان بدست رژيم اسلامي در زندان اوين تهران
گفتگوي مينو همتي با شيرين کمانگر خواهر زنده ياد فرزاد کمانگر، در رابطه با اعدام نابهنگام اين معلم مبارز و انسان Mino Hemati interviews Shirin Kamangar
گفتگوي مينو همتي با شيرين کمانگر خواهر زنده ياد فرزاد کمانگر، در رابطه با اعدام نابهنگام اين معلم مبارز و انساندوست
English transcript of this interview was contributed by Said Mohammadi, which we are grateful for his cooperation with us.
I have Miss. Shirin
Kamangar on air, late Farzad kamangar's sister, the activist teacher
let me express my
greetings and condolences to you and dear mother Mrs. Saltaneh Rezaee,
your relatives and
I should acknowledge
that since I interviewed directly with mother
and due to my
conversations with Farzad Kamangar's lawyer, Mr. khalil Bahramanian
which was published
through this program all over the world
and I also read
Farzad's beautiful writings from this program
it is truly difficult
for me to believe this
that how the Islamic
Regime, shows his hatred towards brave, fighting,
freedom and equality
seeker people, by brutally murdering captive fighters like Farzad Kamangar
and his 4 dear
Shirin Kamangar please tell us if you and
your family, your mother or brother, were already aware
of the time and place
of Farzad's execution?
did they let your
mother to bid farewell?
unfortunately not! one
year ago our mother had a 5 minute meeting with him
we haven't vand we haven't
seen him for one year
the execution has been
so unexpected and sudden
neither his lawyer nor
the family were not informed and he
was not informed even
one day before the execution
because the day before
at 4 p.m he called home and asked for some books to be sent to him
he didn't guess any
danger and they didn't tell himself neither
it seems after his
last contact with home all the telephones in Evin were cut off
and he didn't have any
contact with the world
and his execution was
performed in the early morning of the same night
after Evin telephones
were disconnection
Miss Shirin Kamangar
please tell us exactly when, where and at what time was Farzad Kamangar
the time and place is
not truly clear for us, we just know it has been in Evin
the day before (the
execution) he called us from Evin
and they say he was
executed in Evin
and unfortunately we
don't know its exact time
at first we didn't
want to accept the news at all until 10 o'clock in the morning
when it was declared
we considered it as a
rumor, but unfortunately this rumor gradually became truth
I did want to have a
conversation with your mother Mrs. Rezaee
but I know she is
severely ill. tell us a little about her
my mother has heart
disease and also has blood pressure and unfortunately
she has really lost
her balance in these two days
I know that many
parties and organizations have called
for a public strike for the people of Kurdistan
on 23rd of
Ordibehesht. did your family and acquaintances call for commemoration?
did you receive
Farzad's body?
unfortunately not! we
as the family put all our strength and considered it as a priority to get the
sometimes his mother
became suspicious in the whole issue that maybe he has not been executed
and even if it's just
for our own relief the least thing we can do is to put all our energy to get
the body back
and now we are waiting
for the answer
also today we went to
many places
we're waiting for some
organizations that they might cooperate and arrange a way for us to get the
body tomorrow
Miss. Shirin Kamangar
will you transfer Farzad's body from Tehran to Kamyaran?
we will definitely
take it to Kurdistan but it's not clear where exactly
the priority is our
mother to see the body, relief herself, then she will decide to take him to his
dear Shirin, this is a
very difficult situation, do you have a message for all those who are listening
to you all over the world?
we just appreciate the
sympathy of all those friends who stayed with us in these moments
thank you very much
deliver my special
greetings to Mrs. Saltaneh Rezaee
we really will not
forget her consistent fighting
many times when I
called her and she was on the way between Kamyaran and Tehran to see Farzad
I say special hello
and accept our sympathy in these harsh days
thank you very much
good luck
Saturday, May 1, 2010
در آستانه اول مه گفتگوي مينوهمتي با يکي از صاحب نظران مسائل کارگري کردستان، رحمان حسين زاده دبيرکميت MinoHemati Interviews Rahaman_Houseinzadeh May1st
در آستانه اول مه گفتگوي مينوهمتي با يکي از صاحب نظران مسائل کارگري کردستان، رحمان حسين زاده دبيرکميته کردستان حزب حکمتيست
هديه رهائي زن براي رو جهاني کارگر، سرود انترناسيونال به فرانسوي سروده اوژين پواتيه کارگر نجار فرانسوي در سال ١٨٨International in French with Farsi Sub
هديه رهائي زن براي رو جهاني کارگر، سرود انترناسيونال به فرانسوي سروده اوژين پواتيه کارگر نجار فرانسوي در سال ١٨٨٨ بهمراه متن ترجمع فارسي اثر قاسم لاهوتي
گزارشي از کنفرانس سالانه سازمان سراسري پناهندگان ايراني در استکهلم سوئد بهمراه گفتگو با سه تن از فعالين بيمرز شاد A reportage from Bimarz in Stockholm
Saturday, April 24, 2010
ميزگرد ويژه اول ماه مه روزجهاني کارگر May1_RoundTable_Mino_Azam_Azad_Diba
ميزگرد ويژه اول ماه مه روزجهاني کارگر با شرکت اعظم کم گويان نويسنده و صاحب نظر مسائل زنان کارگر، آزاد زماني فعال حقوق بشر و از سازماندهندگان کميته هاي اول مه در ايران، ديبا عليخاني فعال حقوق زنان و سخنران اول ماه مه ٢٠٠٥ در سنندج، توسط مينو همتي ترتيب داده شد و از کانال يک ماهواره براي بينندگان رهائي زن پخش گرديد تا با زواياي گوناگون مسائل کارگري آشناتر گردند
Monday, April 19, 2010
مينو همتي در برنامه رهائي زن که از شبکه کانال يک پخش شد اين ترانه پل مک کارتني را به منصور Free Mansour Osanloo Hope of Deliverence By Paul McCartney
مينو همتي در برنامه رهائي زن که از شبکه کانال يک پخش شد اين ترانه پل مک کارتني را به منصور اسانلو رهبر کارگري اسير در سياهچالهاي رژيم اسلامي تقديم کرد
Mino Hemati in Rahai Zan program broadcasting from Channel One Satellite TV, dedicated Paul McCartney's hit song Hope of Deliverence to Mansour Osanloo (Imprisoned labor leader in Iran)
I will allways be hoping, hoping.
You will allways be holding, holding
My heart in your hand.
I will understand
I will understand, some day, one day.
You will understand, allways, allways
From now until then.
When it will be right, I don't know.
What it will be like, I don't know.
We live in hope of deliverence
From the darkness that surrounds us.
Hope of deliverence, hope of deliverence.
Hope of deliverence from the darkness
That surrounds us.
And I wouldn't mind knowing, knowing.
That you wouldn't mind going,
Going along with my plan.
When it will be right, I don't know.
What it will be like, I don't know.
We live in hope of deliverence
From the darkness that surrounds us.
Hope of deliverence, hope of deliverence.
Hope of deliverence from the darkness
That surrounds us.
Hope of deliverence.
Hope of deliverence.
I will understand.
Mino Hemati in Rahai Zan program broadcasting from Channel One Satellite TV, dedicated Paul McCartney's hit song Hope of Deliverence to Mansour Osanloo (Imprisoned labor leader in Iran)
I will allways be hoping, hoping.
You will allways be holding, holding
My heart in your hand.
I will understand
I will understand, some day, one day.
You will understand, allways, allways
From now until then.
When it will be right, I don't know.
What it will be like, I don't know.
We live in hope of deliverence
From the darkness that surrounds us.
Hope of deliverence, hope of deliverence.
Hope of deliverence from the darkness
That surrounds us.
And I wouldn't mind knowing, knowing.
That you wouldn't mind going,
Going along with my plan.
When it will be right, I don't know.
What it will be like, I don't know.
We live in hope of deliverence
From the darkness that surrounds us.
Hope of deliverence, hope of deliverence.
Hope of deliverence from the darkness
That surrounds us.
Hope of deliverence.
Hope of deliverence.
I will understand.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
سخنراني سوسن هجرت در سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن با تم بيگانگي ناسيوناليسم ايراني و جنبش برابر March 8 Susan Hejrat speech in Stockholm
سخنراني سوسن هجرت در سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن با تم بيگانگي ناسيوناليسم ايراني و جنبش برابري زن ومرد در ايران
گزارشي از تظاهرات و جشن ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن در گوتنبرگ سوئد March 8 event in Gothenburg Sweden
گزارشي از تظاهرات و جشن ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن در گوتنبرگ سوئد
مادر آقاي منصور اسانلو در گفتگوئي با مينو همتي در برنامه رهائي زن از کانال يک ماهواره از وضعيت Osanloo Mother Demands Support for political prisoners
خانم فاطمه اسانلو مادر آقاي منصور اسانلو در گفتگوئي با مينو همتي در برنامه رهائي زن از کانال يک ماهواره از وضعيت نامساعد اين فعال سنديکائي در زندان رژيم اسلامي سخن ميگويد
Part 1:
Part 2:
Minoo Hemati interviews Mansour Osanloo’s mother
(This is the English transcript of the interview , Mino Hemati Producer/ Anchor of RahaiZan TV program - Emancipation of Woman a weekly TV program broadcasting to Americas, Europe and the Middle East via Channel One satellite TV in Farsi covering women rights, children rights and human rights issues)
1. Mino Hemati: Could you please give us the latest news about your son’s condition Mr. Mansour Osanloo, please indicate how long has he been in prison, and when was the last time that you met him?
Mrs. Osanloo: The last time that I met him was 20 days before the New Year (Norooz) and I do not know how come they finally allowed me to visit him. I and his wife can visit him once a week but this time they only allowed me to go there. His emotional condition is good but physically he is not well. He has been in Gohardasht or Rajaee Shahr Prison for more than 1.5 year. Whenever they change his cell, they do not inform me or his wife. Right now he is in section number 5. And the capacity of these cells is two people. They did not allow me to visit him since 20 days before the New Year. I do not know if they allowed the families of other prisoners to visit them but we have not got a chance to do so. They keep changing his cell and putting him under pressure when he asks for something that he needs. He has got heart, lung, and back problem and the doctors have confirmed that he cannot tolerate this situation anymore and they insisted that he has to be released for remedy. Before the New Year, we rented a place in North of Iran for him because we thought it would be good for his heart and lung to cure. His internal condition is totally crucial. Yesterday, when I went with my other son to visit him, they told us that we should wait until 11 A.M but we (mother, brother, and his children) were not able to visit him. So we waited until 6 in the afternoon and he finally made a brief call to us from the prison and told us that today they are moving him outside the prison with handcuff and shackles in order to check up his heart, lung, and eye condition. I spoke to one of the soldiers in the prison and I begged him to allow my son to talk to me. When he called me, his voice sounded miserable.
2. Mino Hemati: How long has been in prison since the last time that he was arrested?
Mrs. Osanloo: He has been imprisoned for 3 years. When we took him for eye remedy, he had to be under medical attention for 8 months and 2 months before recovery, they transferred him from Evin Prison to Gohardasht Karaj Prison. And for 1.5 year, they have not been giving him any free time out of the prison. When it was his son’s engagement, they did not even allow him to come for an hour and his judge, Mr. Haddad said “I will not allow him to go even if the entire world put pressure on me and if I do, he has to come with handoff and shackles.” This statement of the judge made me very upset.
3. Mino Hemati: Could you please indicate that in which prison and cell Mr. Osanloo is right now?
Mrs. Osanloo: The cell for drug addict prisoners and he keeps asking why are you keep moving me from one cell to another. Also the authorities of the prison force him not to speak. We made a lot of efforts for his release and wrote many letters and the authorities did not respond us under any circumstances. As a mother, I really wanted my son to be with me for the New Year and his medical treatment get done outside the prison.
4. Mino Hemati: What are your request form international organizations, workers organizations, and who ever is hearing your voice throughout the world as a mother who is worried for his son?
Mrs. Osanloo: I keep asking for help from the authorities in Iran but nobody helped me. But my request from international organizations and international workers organization is that please make an effort for his release because his physical condition is very crucial and he is not able to survive in this condition anymore. After the doctors in prison checked his health condition, he called me from the prison and I asked him what did the doctors say and he said “they did not tell me anything but the judges know about the results and they have not said anything either.” This is the fourth time that prison doctors have said that he has to be treated by medical facilities outside the prison. My request from all the international organizations is that please make efforts for his release through letter writing. My son has to be released and I do not want to ask Amnesty International for any help because my son has not done anything wrong to ask for amnesty.
5. Mino Hemati: Mrs. Osanloo, I just wanted to emphasize that efforts are being made and we keep pressuring. I would like to know about his wife’s condition because I know that she is under economic pressures and also she is worried about her husband’s health.
Mrs. Osanloo: I am very proud of my daughter in law because she has been suffering for almost 5 years. She is working 2 shifts per day in order to raise her children and provide an opportunity for her children to study. But there are many difficulties for them and they suffer a lot. She also has to pay her oldest son’s rent who is unemployed and his youngest son’s university tuition. But she still tolerates all these difficulties. She is very proud of her husband because he is innocent and he only wants workers’ rights and he has not done anything that violates the international laws. When we send him money he cannot even go and buy something for himself. We are really worried about him and I keep thinking about him and I cannot get him out my mind. My only request is to allow him get medical help outside the prison. I ask all the human rights organizations to make more efforts for my son’s release and I really appreciate the efforts that they have done so far.
(English transcript by Sara Akrami)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Minoo Hemati interviews Mansour Osanloo’s mother
(This is the English transcript of the interview , Mino Hemati Producer/ Anchor of RahaiZan TV program - Emancipation of Woman a weekly TV program broadcasting to Americas, Europe and the Middle East via Channel One satellite TV in Farsi covering women rights, children rights and human rights issues)
1. Mino Hemati: Could you please give us the latest news about your son’s condition Mr. Mansour Osanloo, please indicate how long has he been in prison, and when was the last time that you met him?
Mrs. Osanloo: The last time that I met him was 20 days before the New Year (Norooz) and I do not know how come they finally allowed me to visit him. I and his wife can visit him once a week but this time they only allowed me to go there. His emotional condition is good but physically he is not well. He has been in Gohardasht or Rajaee Shahr Prison for more than 1.5 year. Whenever they change his cell, they do not inform me or his wife. Right now he is in section number 5. And the capacity of these cells is two people. They did not allow me to visit him since 20 days before the New Year. I do not know if they allowed the families of other prisoners to visit them but we have not got a chance to do so. They keep changing his cell and putting him under pressure when he asks for something that he needs. He has got heart, lung, and back problem and the doctors have confirmed that he cannot tolerate this situation anymore and they insisted that he has to be released for remedy. Before the New Year, we rented a place in North of Iran for him because we thought it would be good for his heart and lung to cure. His internal condition is totally crucial. Yesterday, when I went with my other son to visit him, they told us that we should wait until 11 A.M but we (mother, brother, and his children) were not able to visit him. So we waited until 6 in the afternoon and he finally made a brief call to us from the prison and told us that today they are moving him outside the prison with handcuff and shackles in order to check up his heart, lung, and eye condition. I spoke to one of the soldiers in the prison and I begged him to allow my son to talk to me. When he called me, his voice sounded miserable.
2. Mino Hemati: How long has been in prison since the last time that he was arrested?
Mrs. Osanloo: He has been imprisoned for 3 years. When we took him for eye remedy, he had to be under medical attention for 8 months and 2 months before recovery, they transferred him from Evin Prison to Gohardasht Karaj Prison. And for 1.5 year, they have not been giving him any free time out of the prison. When it was his son’s engagement, they did not even allow him to come for an hour and his judge, Mr. Haddad said “I will not allow him to go even if the entire world put pressure on me and if I do, he has to come with handoff and shackles.” This statement of the judge made me very upset.
3. Mino Hemati: Could you please indicate that in which prison and cell Mr. Osanloo is right now?
Mrs. Osanloo: The cell for drug addict prisoners and he keeps asking why are you keep moving me from one cell to another. Also the authorities of the prison force him not to speak. We made a lot of efforts for his release and wrote many letters and the authorities did not respond us under any circumstances. As a mother, I really wanted my son to be with me for the New Year and his medical treatment get done outside the prison.
4. Mino Hemati: What are your request form international organizations, workers organizations, and who ever is hearing your voice throughout the world as a mother who is worried for his son?
Mrs. Osanloo: I keep asking for help from the authorities in Iran but nobody helped me. But my request from international organizations and international workers organization is that please make an effort for his release because his physical condition is very crucial and he is not able to survive in this condition anymore. After the doctors in prison checked his health condition, he called me from the prison and I asked him what did the doctors say and he said “they did not tell me anything but the judges know about the results and they have not said anything either.” This is the fourth time that prison doctors have said that he has to be treated by medical facilities outside the prison. My request from all the international organizations is that please make efforts for his release through letter writing. My son has to be released and I do not want to ask Amnesty International for any help because my son has not done anything wrong to ask for amnesty.
5. Mino Hemati: Mrs. Osanloo, I just wanted to emphasize that efforts are being made and we keep pressuring. I would like to know about his wife’s condition because I know that she is under economic pressures and also she is worried about her husband’s health.
Mrs. Osanloo: I am very proud of my daughter in law because she has been suffering for almost 5 years. She is working 2 shifts per day in order to raise her children and provide an opportunity for her children to study. But there are many difficulties for them and they suffer a lot. She also has to pay her oldest son’s rent who is unemployed and his youngest son’s university tuition. But she still tolerates all these difficulties. She is very proud of her husband because he is innocent and he only wants workers’ rights and he has not done anything that violates the international laws. When we send him money he cannot even go and buy something for himself. We are really worried about him and I keep thinking about him and I cannot get him out my mind. My only request is to allow him get medical help outside the prison. I ask all the human rights organizations to make more efforts for my son’s release and I really appreciate the efforts that they have done so far.
(English transcript by Sara Akrami)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
گزارش هلاله طاهري از راهپيمائي و مراسم بزرگداشت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن که توسط فعالين جنبش برابري زنان در March 8 Event London reportage by Halaleh Taheri
گزارش هلاله طاهري از راهپيمائي و مراسم بزرگداشت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن که توسط فعالين جنبش برابري زنان در لندن برگزارشد
سخنراني پري زارع در سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن با تم ارتجاع سبز و جنبش برابري زن ومرد در ايران March 8 Pari Zarea Speech in Stockholm
سخنراني پري زارع در سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن با تم ارتجاع سبز و جنبش برابري زن ومرد در ايران
Saturday, March 20, 2010
شادباش نوروزي مينو همتي به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان Mino Hemati Persian New Year Greetings to viewers of channel one around the world.
Rahai Zan TV, Mino Hemati Persian New Year greetings to viewers of channel one around the world.
شادباش نوروزي مينو همتي به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
شادباش نوروزي مينو همتي به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي عذرا آدمي (آباجي) به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي Payame NouRouzi 1389 Ozra Adami -Abaji
Payame NouRouzi 1389 Ozra Adami (Abaji)
پيام شادباش نوروزي عذرا آدمي (آباجي) به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي عذرا آدمي (آباجي) به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي نسرين پرواز به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايرا Payame NouRouzi 1389 Nasrin Parvaz
Nasrin Parvaz, Nouroz greetings.
پيام شادباش نوروزي نسرين پرواز به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي نسرين پرواز به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي مريم افراسيابپور به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائ Payame NouRouzi 1389 Mariam Afrasiabpouri
Mariam Afrasiabpour NouRouz Greetings.
پيام شادباش نوروزي مريم افراسيابپور به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي مريم افراسيابپور به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي ديباعليخاني به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايرا Payame NouRouzi 1389 Diba Alikhani
Diba Alikhani NouRouz Greetings
پيام شادباش نوروزي ديباعليخاني به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي ديباعليخاني به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي هلاله طاهري به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در اير Payame NouRouzi 1389 Halaleh Taheri
Halaleh Taheri; NouRouz Greetings
پيام شادباش نوروزي هلاله طاهري به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي هلاله طاهري به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي مينا زرين به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و Payame NouRouzi 1389 Mina Zarrin
Mina Zarrin; NouRouz Greeting.
پيام شادباش نوروزي مينا زرين به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي مينا زرين به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي ثريا شهابي به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در اير Payame NouRouzi 1389 Soraya Shahabi
Soraya Shahabi NouRouz Greetings
پيام شادباش نوروزي ثريا شهابي به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي ثريا شهابي به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي آزاد زماني به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و Payame NouRouzi 1389 Azad Zamani
Azad Zamani NouRouz Greeting.
پيام شادباش نوروزي آزاد زماني به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
پيام شادباش نوروزي آزاد زماني به مناسبت فرارسيدن سال ١٣٨٩ به بييندگان کانال يک و برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن در ايران و ديگر نقاط جهان
Saturday, March 13, 2010
گزارش مينوهمتي از مراسمهاي ٨ مارس در سنندج، تهران، اروپا، آمريکا و کانادا Mino Hemati Reports on March 8, International Women's Day events
Mino Hemati Reports on March 8, International Women's Day events from Sanandaj, Tehran, Europe, US and Canada
گزارش مينوهمتي از مراسمهاي ٨ مارس در سنندج، تهران، اروپا، آمريکا و کانادا
گزارش مينوهمتي از مراسمهاي ٨ مارس در سنندج، تهران، اروپا، آمريکا و کانادا
Monday, March 8, 2010
مينو همتي ويژه نامه ٨مارس روزجهاني زن را که توسط دانشجويان دانشگاه تهران منتشر گرديده است ر Vijeh Nameh 8 March published by Tehran University student
مينو همتي ويژه نامه ٨مارس روزجهاني زن را که توسط دانشجويان دانشگاه تهران منتشر گرديده است را براي بينندگان رهائي زن مرور ميکند
گزارش پري زارع از راهپيمائي ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن در استکهلم سوئد RahaiZan TV- Pari Zarea reports on March 8 2010 events in Stockholm
RahaiZan TV; Pari Zarea reports on March 8 2010 events in Stockholm
گزارش پري زارع از راهپيمائي ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن در استکهلم سوئد
گزارش پري زارع از راهپيمائي ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن در استکهلم سوئد
سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن، شامل نمايشگاه عکس و سخنراني مريم افراسيابپور پيرامون دستآ Rahai Zan 8 March Seminar - Mariam Afrasiabpour
Part1- Rahai Zan 8 March Seminar - Stockholm, Speaker Mariam Afrasiabpour, Susan Hejrat, Pari Zarea.
سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن، شامل نمايشگاه عکس و سخنراني مريم افراسيابپور پيرامون دستآوردهاي عملي شبکه بين المللي زنان عليه خشونت به زنان و ازدواجهاي اجباري، (سخنراني سوسن هجرت و پري زارع بهمراه گزارشات از شهرها و کشورهاي ديگر بدليل ذيق وقت به برنامه هفته هاي آتي موکول شد)
سمينار رهائي زن بمناسبت ٨ مارس روزجهاني زن، شامل نمايشگاه عکس و سخنراني مريم افراسيابپور پيرامون دستآوردهاي عملي شبکه بين المللي زنان عليه خشونت به زنان و ازدواجهاي اجباري، (سخنراني سوسن هجرت و پري زارع بهمراه گزارشات از شهرها و کشورهاي ديگر بدليل ذيق وقت به برنامه هفته هاي آتي موکول شد)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
سازمان رهائي زن مراسمهاي بزرگداشت ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن را در کشورهاي سوئد، نروژ، فنلاند، آلمان، March 8th International Women's day events by Rahaizan
Mino Hemati informs Rahai Zan TV Viewers of March 8th International Women's day events by Rahaizan in Sweden, Norway, Finland, UK, USA, Canada, Germany.
سازمان رهائي زن مراسمهاي بزرگداشت ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن را در کشورهاي سوئد، نروژ، فنلاند، آلمان، انگلستان، آمريکا و کانادا برگزارميکند
سازمان رهائي زن مراسمهاي بزرگداشت ٨ مارس روز جهاني زن را در کشورهاي سوئد، نروژ، فنلاند، آلمان، انگلستان، آمريکا و کانادا برگزارميکند
ميزگرد بررسي جنبش زنان را با شرکت خانمها ثرياشهابي March 8th Round Table by Mino Hemati, panelists are Soraya Shahabi, Leila Qaraee, Diba Ali khani
March 8th Round Table by Mino Hemati, panelists are Soraya Shahabi, Leila Qaraee, Diba Ali khani , Women's Movements in Iran.
مينو همتي در برنامه رهائي زن ميزگرد بررسي جنبش زنان را با شرکت خانمها ثرياشهابي فعال حقوق زنان و دبير نهاد بين المللي اول کودکان و ليلاقرائي مديرمسئول راديو صداي زنان در استکهلم و ديباعليخاني ازفعالين جامعه دفاع از حقوق زنان را ارائه ميکند
مينو همتي در برنامه رهائي زن ميزگرد بررسي جنبش زنان را با شرکت خانمها ثرياشهابي فعال حقوق زنان و دبير نهاد بين المللي اول کودکان و ليلاقرائي مديرمسئول راديو صداي زنان در استکهلم و ديباعليخاني ازفعالين جامعه دفاع از حقوق زنان را ارائه ميکند
Saturday, February 20, 2010
حکايت تاريخ رهائي از زبان اشک، مينو همتي نامه پويا از ايران را بينندگان رهائي زن سهيم ميشود Mino Hemati A letter from Iran, Pouya writes
RahaiZan TV Program By Mino Hemati A letter from Iran, Pouya writes: حکايت تاريخ رهائي از زبان اشک، مينو همتي نامه پويا از ايران را بينندگان رهائي زن سهيم ميشود
مينو همتي در اين قسمت از برنامه هفتگي رهائي زن به ارائه سندي افشاگرانه از جنايات دادستان Sanadaj District Attorney's involvement in political murders
Documentations of Sanadaj District Attorney's involvement in political murders.
مينو همتي در اين قسمت از برنامه هفتگي رهائي زن به ارائه سندي افشاگرانه از جنايات دادستان انقلاب سنندج ميپردازد
مينو همتي در اين قسمت از برنامه هفتگي رهائي زن به ارائه سندي افشاگرانه از جنايات دادستان انقلاب سنندج ميپردازد
بزرگداشت روز عشاق با پخش يک موزيک ويديو زيبا شيرازي از برنامه رهائى زن در کانال يک Ziba Shirazi Music to commemorate Valentine's Day
RahaiZan TV By Mino Hemati, a Ziba Shirazi Music to commemorate Valentine's Day.
بزرگداشت روز عشاق با پخش يک موزيک ويديو زيبا شيرازي از برنامه رهائى زن در کانال يک
بزرگداشت روز عشاق با پخش يک موزيک ويديو زيبا شيرازي از برنامه رهائى زن در کانال يک
ادامه تعرض رژيم اسلامي به شخصيتهاي اپوزسيون و اينبار شهرام همايون مدير مسئول کانال يک ماهواره فارسي Shahram Homayoun Channel One TV Director
Stop Islamic Terrorism against Shahram Homayoun Channel One TV Director.
اطلاعيه کمپين ايست به تروريسم جمهوري اسلامي در مورد ادامه تعرض رژيم اسلامي به شخصيتهاي اپوزسيون و اينبار شهرام همايون مدير مسئول کانال يک ماهواره فارسي زبان
اطلاعيه کمپين ايست به تروريسم جمهوري اسلامي در مورد ادامه تعرض رژيم اسلامي به شخصيتهاي اپوزسيون و اينبار شهرام همايون مدير مسئول کانال يک ماهواره فارسي زبان
گفتگوي مينو همتي با نشميل شبلي زن جواني که بهمراه فرزند خردسالش به ترکيه گريخته و از ساز Mino Hemati interviews Nashmil Shebli asylum seeker in Turkey
RahaiZan TV, Mino Hemati interviews a young Kurdish woman an asylum seeker in Turkey, her name is Nashmil Shebli.
گفتگوي مينو همتي با نشميل شبلي زن جواني که بهمراه فرزند خردسالش به ترکيه گريخته و از سازمان ملل درخواست پناهندگي کرده است
گفتگوي مينو همتي با نشميل شبلي زن جواني که بهمراه فرزند خردسالش به ترکيه گريخته و از سازمان ملل درخواست پناهندگي کرده است
بازداشت فعال حقوق بشر و کودکان آقاي علي قادر مرزي Human Rights activists Ali Ghader Marzi detained by Islamic Regime of Iran.
RahaiZan TV By Mino Hemati, Human Rights activists Ali Ghader Marzi detained by Islamic Regime of Iran.
مينو همتي در آغاز برنامه به بازداشت فعال حقوق بشر و کودکان آقاي علي قادر مرزي
و به ادامه برنامه هفتگي رهائى زن ميپردازد
مينو همتي در آغاز برنامه به بازداشت فعال حقوق بشر و کودکان آقاي علي قادر مرزي
و به ادامه برنامه هفتگي رهائى زن ميپردازد
Saturday, February 13, 2010
گفتگوي مينو همتي با مريم افراسيابپور فعال حقوق زنان در سوئد پيرامون دومين سمينار سازمان Organisation of International Fight for Womens Rights - Part1

گفتگوي مينو همتي با مريم افراسيابپور فعال حقوق زنان در سوئد پيرامون
دومين سمينار سازمان مبارزه جهاني براي حقوق زنان به زبانهاي سوئدي، کردي و انگليسي
Mino Hemati interviews Mariam Afrasiabpour about the International cooperation
against honour based violence
Seminar at Culturen in Västerås
In memory of Fadime
Topic: International cooperation
against honour based violence
January 21, 2010
The seminar day is arranged by the County Administrative Board in
Västmanland, Arosdöttrarna, ABF - Workers’ Educational Association
and the Organisation of International Fight for Women’s Rights.
Seminars are held in Swedish, Kurdish and English.
Seminariedag på Culturen i Västerås
Till minne av Fadime
Tema: Det internationella
samarbetet mot hedersbaserat våld
21 januari 2010
Lokal: Culturen,
Sintervägen 6
i Västerås
Dagen arrangeras av Länsstyrelsen i Västmanland, Arosdöttrarna,
ABF och föreningen Internationell kamp för kvinnors rättigheter.
Seminarierna hålls på Svenska, Kurdiska och Engelska.
گفتگوي مينو همتي با مريم افراسيابپور فعال حقوق زنان در سوئد پيرامون دومين سمينار سازمان م Organisation of International Fight for Women's Rights-Part2

گفتگوي مينو همتي با مريم افراسيابپور فعال حقوق زنان در سوئد پيرامون
دومين سمينار سازمان مبارزه جهاني براي حقوق زنان به زبانهاي سوئدي، کردي و انگليسي
Mino Hemati interviews Mariam Afrasiabpour about the International cooperation
against honour based violence
Seminar at Culturen in Västerås
In memory of Fadime
Topic: International cooperation
against honour based violence
January 21, 2010
The seminar day is arranged by the County Administrative Board in
Västmanland, Arosdöttrarna, ABF - Workers’ Educational Association
and the Organisation of International Fight for Women’s Rights.
Seminars are held in Swedish, Kurdish and English.
Seminariedag på Culturen i Västerås
Till minne av Fadime
Tema: Det internationella
samarbetet mot hedersbaserat våld
21 januari 2010
Lokal: Culturen,
Sintervägen 6
i Västerås
Dagen arrangeras av Länsstyrelsen i Västmanland, Arosdöttrarna,
ABF och föreningen Internationell kamp för kvinnors rättigheter.
Seminarierna hålls på Svenska, Kurdiska och Engelska.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
سکوت رهبران جنبش سبز در قبال حقوق زن در ايران از بهرچه است، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با هلاله طاهري فع On the issue of Greens total silence in regards to women
RahaiZan.TV Mino Hemati Interviews Halaleh Taheri a women's rights activist / journalist in London. On the issue of Greens total silence in regards to women's Rights in Iran.
سکوت رهبران جنبش سبز در قبال حقوق زن در ايران از بهرچه است، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با هلاله طاهري فعال حقوق زنان و ژورناليست در لندن
سکوت رهبران جنبش سبز در قبال حقوق زن در ايران از بهرچه است، گفتگوي مينوهمتي با هلاله طاهري فعال حقوق زنان و ژورناليست در لندن
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
گفتگوي مينو همتي با خانم سلطنه رضائي: به فراخوان مادر فرزاد کمانگر معلم و فعال سياسي محکوم به اعدام براي support mothers gathering for stop execution
Farzad Kamangar's mother in an interview with Mino Hemati has plead to people to support mothers gathering for stop execution demand from Islamic Regime. Please Support by signing the Education International petition to save political prisoner Farzad Kamangar
گفتگوي مينو همتي با خانم سلطنه رضائي: به فراخوان مادر فرزاد کمانگر معلم و فعال سياسي محکوم به اعدام براي حمايت از تجمع (روز يکشنبه ١١ بهمن) مادراني که فرزندانشان زير حکم اعدام هستند پاسخ مثبت دهيد، طومار درخواست لغو اعدام فرزاد را امضاکنيد
Saturday, January 23, 2010
نامه فرزاد کمانگر خطاب به مادرش از زندان اوين توسط مينوهمتي براي بينندگان برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن قرائت و از کا Farzad Kamangar's Letter from prison
Farzad Kamangar's Letter from prison read by Mino Hemati in RahaiZan TV Program broadcasted from Channel One Satellite Persian TV.
نامه فرزاد کمانگر خطاب به مادرش از زندان اوين توسط مينوهمتي براي بينندگان برنامه تلويزيوني رهائي زن قرائت و از کانال يک ماهواره در سراسر ايران و جهان پخش گرديد
گفتگوي مينوهمتي با مادر فرزادکمانگر (خانم سلطنه رضائي) و همچنين آقاي خليل بهراميان وکيل مدافعMino Hemati interviews MS Rezai, Farzad Kamangar's Mother
RahiZan.TV Mino Hemati interviews MS Rezai, Farzad Kamangar's Mother about her son's execution order by the Islamic Regime. Also Interview with Mr. Bahramian Farzad's defence attorney.
گفتگوي مينوهمتي با مادر فرزادکمانگر (خانم سلطنه رضائي) و همچنين آقاي خليل بهراميان وکيل مدافع فرزاد کمانگر
English transcript of this interview was contributed by Said Mohammadi, which we are grateful for his cooperation with us.
it has been more than
4 years that the honorable and conscious teacher Farzad Kamangar is still
by the Islamic regime
under difficult conditions, and the risk of execution,
even though it has been proven that the
accusations against him are baseless and false
I have a conversation
with Farzad Kamangar's mother Mrs. Saltaneh Rezaee
thank you very much
yes, as you said
Farzad Kamangar has been teaching in Kamyaran and the villages
Farzad is a respected
member of the family, has a mother of 70 years ,
has supported many
now it has been 4
years that he is under this verdict
I firstly ask the
mothers to attempt hand in hand to bring our children back to ourselves,
then my government, my
president and my leader, if he claims to be an Islamic leader,
a leader is a person who doesn't lose his
people (their support)
shouldn't oppress his
nation, a president should take care of his people
not to betray them,
not to execute the youth
I ask them and all
those who hear my voice, give our children back to us
don't torture us
I also ask all the
media to hear my voice, to fight for these youth
execution is enough,
no to execution
Mrs. Rezaee,
international attempts to prevent execution
verdicts, specially Farzad Kamangar's
verdict is underway
you know that many
other honorable and freedom seeker people particularly Habibollah Lotfi
are under execution
what is your call up
message, as a pursuing mother, in defending unconditional freedom of your child
and other captives, to
the prisoners' families, and all freedom seeker people who are against
in these difficult
days, what is your expectation from all the people against the execution of
Farzad, Habibollah Lotfi and other dear prisoners?
I expect them to give
these children back to us. to set them free. all human rights activists,
campaigns, all those
who hear my voice, all those who are in the way of Islam and humanity
and are talking about
us and defending us, I ask all of them and the media to react in support of
these prisoners
not just Farzad, there
thousand other Farzads. many like Farzad are under execution verdict
many like him are
under execution. I ask the international society to bring us back our children
safe and sound
Mrs. Rezaee, do you
have a call up in the coming days for those who hear you
to come together, hand
in hand, and support all dear prisoners and ask for their freedom?
well, I ask all of
them to hear my voice on this phone and in the media
like you who have
called and are fighting for these prisoners, I expect my nation, if they are
and care about
humanity should rise up and react in support of these prisoners
I am a 70 year old
mother and I can do nothing
they don't answer me.
ok, let the nation support me and back me up hand in hand
and take action for
these prisoners
how long is this
government going to put these verdicts on the youth?
why is this leader
doing this to us?
if this leader is
human and considers himself a Muslim, he must stop execution
and give our children
back to us. I cannot speak anymore
we have heard that you
have called up for a gathering on Sunday 11th of Bahman, and you've asked
everyone to take part,
as a protest for the freedom of all these dear prisoners
we are all listening.
you can declare it yourself that there is a gathering on this day
yes, on Sunday I want
to gather in a place, along with other mothers whose children are under
execution danger
and mothers who are
waiting for their children, and ask the Islamic Republic, our government,
our president, our leader
to set our children free and abolish execution
there must not be any
other executions
if he considers
himself a leader he should stop execution and killing the youth
let me tell him, if he
prays to God, why is he executing people's children? doesn't he have a son?
wont his son get stuck
in a situation like this? let all the people hear me, let them ( authorities)
hear me as well
I have raised this son
with difficulty and I had great wishes for him
he tried and labored
in dust (in classroom) for 14 years for the children of this nation
shouldn't this nation
remember what he did for them?
and shouldn't they fight for these prisoners'
can they forget their
labor and service for 14 years for their (people's) children?
why shouldn't they
(people) cry and shout for the rights of these prisoners?
why they shouldn't go to the president and tell him not to be
cruel to his people and care for them?
thank you very much
Mrs. Rezaee everybody hears your voice and we hope many people can come and
unite with you for unconditional freedom of these dear prisoners
thank you very much
much obliged
مينو همتي در مصاحبه با رضا کمانگربه کارزار جهاني براي نجات جان فرزاد کمانگر ميپردازد Hemati interviews Reza_Kamangar in Finland about the Save Farzad
RahaiZan.TV Mino Hemati interviews Reza_Kamangar in Finland about the Save Farzad Kamangar Campaign.
مينو همتي در مصاحبه با رضا کمانگربه کارزار جهاني براي نجات جان فرزاد کمانگر ميپردازد
Saturday, January 16, 2010
ایست به توطئه تروریستی جمهوری اسلامی Stop the Conspiracy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and INTERPOL

براي مشاهده اين ويديو اينجا را کليک کنيد
Stop the Conspiracy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
December 21, 2009
At the request of Iranian authorities, INTERPOL has labelled a number of leading members and supporters of the Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist, as criminals and terrorists and has published their pictures and personal information on their website. These individuals have been persecuted and exiled by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s (IRI) authorities many years ago due to their active role in opposition to the IRI. Therefore, we, the under signed, consider INTERPOL’s step in this regard, as a clear sign of co-operation with the IRI’s notorious Secret Police.
This move by the IRI’s secret police through INTERPOL is not the first move of this kind against opposition groups. For example, Iranian terrorist agents murdered Qulam Keshaverz, the spokes person of the International Federation of Iranian Refugees, while he was visiting her mother in Cyprus, in 1989. In the same year, Abdul-Rahman Qasemlu, the Secretary General of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and his colleagues were murdered during a secret negotiation with Iranian officials in Austria. The IRI’s authorities’ fatwa against Salman Rushdi and offering bounty to murder him; the killing of the Japanese translator of the Satanic Versus and the attempted murder against the Italian and Norwegian translators is a dark reminders of the brutality of the IRI and the length to which it is prepared to go to eliminate its opponents.
According to reliable sources, the number of exiled political individuals who have been murdered by the IRI from 1991 to1997 are 210. In 1998 alone, 76 writers, journalists, and political activists in Iran were murdered on order of the highest Iranian authorities. All these victims were accused of the same charges as those on the list of INTERPOL.
As far as the IRI’s authorities are concerned any progressive individual, anyone who defends human rights and advocates secularism should be eliminated. If not stopped the INTERPOL should prepare itself to arrest every woman, youth and worker in Iran.
By taking sides with the IRI, INTERPOL is making the life of Iranian opposition inside and outside of the country insecure and dangerous. This institution will then be responsible for the outcome of this policy.
INTERPOL’s decision is the first step in providing a “legal” and an “international” permission to the IRI’s Secret Police to attack any opposition and their family members.
If the INTERPOL decides to continue with its collaboration with the IRI, it will face condemnation and protests not only from Iranian political and cultural activists inside and outside of the country but also a whole host of progressive individuals and organizations in Europe and North America.
Only a strong and consorted pressure from progressive forces and individuals and libertarians, labour organisations, progressive political parties, and human right advocates can stop INTERPOL’s collaboration with the IRI’s secret police. We call on all those who oppose the IRI’s terrorist policies to join us in our endeavour to foil this conspiracy against Iranian political oppositions.
To support our campaign please contact us to take coordinated action in the form of petitions, protests and rallies. You can also write letters of protest to INTERPOL and send a copy to us.
General Secretariat
200, quai Charles de Gaulle
69006 Lyon
Fax: +33 (0)4 72 44 71 63
Thank You,
Abbas Samakar, Amir Hassanpour, Azad Zamani, Azadeh Sepehri, Basir Nasibi, Bahran Choubineh, Banafshe kamali, Behrouz Sooren, Jalal Housaini, Minoo Hemati, Nasrin Parvaz, Rahim Mahmoudi, Salah Irandoust, Shahrzad Mojab, Soraya Shahabi, Suliman Qasemiani, Yousef Akrami.
گفتگوي مينو همتي با ثريا شهابي در مورد توطئه رژيم اسلامي عليه شخصيتهاي اپوزيسيون Mino Hemati interviews Soraya Shahabi the spokeswoman for
وضعيت حقوق بشر و مبارزات مردمي در سالي که گذشت، گفتگو با آزاد زماني Human rights situation and people's struggle in Iran in 2009

وضعيت حقوق بشر و مبارزات مردمي در سالي که گذشت، گفتگو با آزاد زماني
Human rights situation and people's struggle in Iran in 2009 is discussed in an interview with Azad Zamani by Mino Hemati anchor/ producer of Rahaizan TV program Broadcasting via Channel One satellite station to Americas,m Europe and the Middle East.
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